Friday, September 20, 2024

“I preferred to obstruct the negotiations.”


Karina Casella has already been contacted by the Big Brother editorial team to participate in the next edition. But the commentator announced, in some Instagram stories, that he had to give an answer to Alfonso Signorini “dictated by his priorities”.

After some rumors circulating in recent weeks about potential new competitors for Big brotherunder which there could also have been Karina CasellaThe influencer confirmed that she auditioned, but also reiterated the reasons that prompted her to reevaluate the proposal. Alfonso SignoriniWhich hinders potential negotiations.

Test story with Signorini

In a series of stories published on Instagram, after a flood of questions asked on the subject, Karina Casella specifies what has happened in recent weeks and, therefore, how the audition for Big Brother was carried out, which, in the end, there was already. The commentator explains in detail how the conversation with Signorini took place:

The authors of GF contacted me, as happened with L’Isola dei Famosi. I went to chat, the famous test. I spoke with the authors and with Alfonso Signorini. There were authors I already knew and others I didn’t. They were all very kind. Alfonso was a great discovery, I didn’t know him, it was a pleasant surprise for me. He was very genuine and helpful, we had a nice conversation. I was struck by the person he is. From there, after the casting there was an offer and after I responded to the offer the negotiation stopped. I know that there are people who would do anything to participate in such a popular program that guarantees many possibilities in terms of financing and things related to working with social media.

Karina Casella’s reply to GF

Therefore, Casella openly declares that she has expressed her doubts about the idea of ​​leaving home for a long time, given the business she runs and above all the fact that her daughter is about to enter high school, which is why she feels obliged to be by her side:

However, I had to give an answer dictated by my priorities, which are my family, my work, and my daughter who is going to high school. Six months of everything is too long. I preferred to stop everything so that it would not continue. I am a person who does not do things by halves. I do not go for a week and retire, if I start something I do it well. I will not be a competitor and I am very sorry to disappoint the trash lovers. There are those who will breathe a sigh of relief as I speak of Leno. If he had found me at home, the fire of Temptation Island would have been nothing compared to what I would have put into it. However, having said that, I repeat to the authors that I am always available to be an opinion writer.


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