Thursday, September 19, 2024

Asteroid ready to hit, it’s just a matter of time | Now scientists confirm: No escape – Video – News


What would the impact of an asteroid on our planet look like? Thanks to this simulation, we can see it with our own eyes.

Asteroids, meteorites and meteorites: Terms often used interchangeably, but they describe very different space objects. asteroid It is a rocky body that orbits the Sun, and is located mainly in the main belt between Mars and Jupiter.

Although these celestial bodies resemble planets, they are smaller and irregular in size. MeteorsOn the other hand, they are fragments of asteroids or comets that, when they enter the Earth’s atmosphere, burn due to friction, creating a luminous effect. Finally, if the meteorite survives the passage through the atmosphere and reaches the Earth’s surface, it is called a meteorite. meteor.

the Discover and study These creatures have a long history. Asteroids They were first recognized in the early 19th century, with the discovery of Ceres, the largest, in 1801 by Giuseppe Piazzi. Over time, technology and scientific interest have enabled the discovery of thousands of asteroids, increasing our understanding of the solar system.

Meteorites, known since ancient times, have always fascinated humanity, with many cultures interpreting them as Signs Divine or good tidings. However, it is only with the appearance of Modern science That its true meaning has been understood.

Impact simulation

In recent decades, Asteroid Research Huge strides have been made. Space missions such as NASA’s OSIRIS-REx and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s Hayabusa2 have made it possible to collect samples from asteroids and return them to Earth for detailed analysis.

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ViennaOn April 4, the 8th Planetary Asteroid Defense Conference, a high-profile meeting that addresses strategies to protect Earth from potential impacts, was held. During the event, Paul Chodas of NASA’s Near-Earth Object (NEO) Project presented a simulation that assumes the discovery of a potentially hazardous asteroid, called 2023 PDC.

Fireball representation over a city –

Preparing for the inevitable

The simulation starts on January 10, 2023, whenAsteroid 2023 PDC It has been identified as potentially hazardous. Initially, the potential for impact is only 1 is 10000But that number is constantly growing. As of April 3, 2023, the asteroid will have a potential impact date of October 22, 2036, making it necessary to calculate the asteroid’s potential size and its points of impact on Earth.

Lauren WheelerExpert in NASA, Describe three major impact risks: Local soil damage, Tsunami of large ocean impacts H Global climate impacts on the most severe cases. Modeling these scenarios helps predict the extent of damage and areas likely to be at risk. Although the risk of a major impact is remote, preparation is essential. The scenario described is largely hypothetical, with a very low probability of impact in the next 100 years, but awareness and preparation can make the difference in the likelihood of a catastrophic event.


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