Saturday, September 21, 2024

Madonna’s birthday in Pompeii, fans chant for star: “Dream”



The star has just arrived at Pompeii Park. There are several trucks in his entourage, with tinted windows to avoid photo opportunities and onlookers.

Madonna at Pompeii excavations: fans waiting between songs and tattoos

They dance to Madonna’s hits and send happy birthday wishes to their beloved. This is how the American pop star’s fans, who number about a hundred, are killing the wait outside the entrance to the Porta Stabia of the archaeological excavations in Pompeii, where Madonna is waiting for a private visit to celebrate her 66th birthday. There is a heavy presence of law enforcement and municipal police, but the situation is still relatively calm, indicating that the artist’s arrival is not imminent yet.

Fans waiting at Pompeii: It’s a dream

The city of Pompeii is waiting for pop star Madonna, who turns 66 today and has expressed her desire to visit the archaeological site. “We are here for our ‘devotion’ and having it here, in our region, is a dream come true because we never imagined it. It is a great honour,” he admits. francesco“After twenty-nine years, I finally had the chance to see it,” adds Valeria, another admirer. “It’s an indescribable feeling.” “It’s a wish and a dream to see it after so many years,” says Emanuela, who comes from nearby Castellammare di Stabia with her daughter. Outside the excavations, among groups of tourists braving the scorching heat, there are also the inevitable souvenir sellers: “We’ve known for days, I think it’s good news for the city,” they admit, and then: “The arrival of Madonna“It’s a positive thing for the city, it’s a privilege that will come in the evening when the excavation works close.” Meanwhile, in the square Porta Marina InferioreAlready many fans of the pop star have been waiting for hours under the sun.

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risk of power outage

To allow firefighters to put out the blazes, the provinces of Naples and Salerno have authorized power cuts to the municipalities of Agerola, Amalfi, Atrani, Conca dei Marini, Furore, Maiori, Minori, Piedmont, Positano, Praiano, Ravello and Stairs.

The power has not been cut off yet.

But if the winds change, the entire coast will be without power, including hotels, restaurants and Madonna’s birthday party.

tiktok birthday

“It’s not my problem,” “It’s not my problem,” he sings in lipsync. Madonna TikTok On notes there!Because today is his birthday and the mood is festive.


Happy Birthday to me! ✨

♬ It’s not my problem – Laila!

“Happy birthday to me,” she captioned it, as her staff decorated her hair with small fuchsia roses and pink flowers. So Madonna begins preparations for her big party.

Donate 250 thousand euros

There is anticipation for the arrival of the global pop star, who turns 66 today and who – despite denying the news of huge parties in the excavations – will reward himself this evening with a concert. Special visit to the archaeological parkWith her new 28 year old boyfriend Akeem MorrisAnd the two adopted girls and a small circle of people and the director of the park Gabriel’s Parenting Tape To be a “cicerone”. After the details that emerged in recent days about the meeting of the Regional Committee for Order and Public Security on the security measures that will be adopted, she “kept quiet” about other details of the visit. Madonna and her companions’ tour could last about four hours and cover the region Theater Districtwhere he will visit House of Menanderfamous for its frescoes, which include scenes from the Iliad and the Odyssey, and for its “rhodium” style surround. Your itinerary may also include Casa de Sefamous for the huge mural in the park depicting wild animals. Among the rumors circulating, there is also one that has not been confirmed or denied gift From Madonna al Barco: 250,000 euros allocated for restoration projects.


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