Friday, September 20, 2024

Gym Raid: Finding Those Responsible


Rivatrolo Mantovano – They were there right away. It has been identified. They understood that they had mistakeThe boys are the heroes of the storming of the municipal gym run by the Rivarolese Sports Club. finished It happened in the evening between Tuesday and Wednesday. damage Suffered of little significance, with Broken cup and dirty floor.

“Unfortunately, this is not the first time that gyms and field environments have been targeted and in the implementation of this came Children often also put themselves in situations where risk.el Concerned group They are recognized but only some of them Responsibility is taken Trying treatment They put themselves on the front lines to get everything organized and cleaned up. What we hope is that the speeches that were given and I commit Served to illustrate that damage more big “They do it to themselves who live in these environments, and by not taking care of them, little by little they will not be able to live in them,” the company’s managers wrote on the sports club’s Facebook page.

the boss Giovanni Fantini’s comments Like this: “Children must understand that a lecture It’s a Good for everyone And so they too, were one. trick But the important thing is that I responsible Get a spot right away treatment to them mistakes“. no one complaint He was presented to the police.

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