Thursday, September 19, 2024

“My father fell into the water and never came back, Andrea saved him”


Fear for Teresa Langella on vacation with her family. The former Tronista’s father suddenly fell into the water from the mattress he was on and never came back to the surface. Fortunately, he was saved by Andrea Dal Corso, the girl’s future husband.

Fear for Teresa Langella On vacation with family. Former Tronsta for men and women with her future husband Andrea Dal Corso and parents in the pool when i wasThe father suddenly fell From bed to water, never to return. The story of what happened is told through some Instagram stories. Fortunately, it was Dal Corso who saved him.

What happened to Teresa Langella on vacation with her family?

During a day at the pool with the family, Teresa Langella’s father He fell asleep on the carpet and suddenly fell asleep. He fell into the water and never came back. No one noticed anything, except Andrea Dal Corso, the girl’s future husband, who immediately jumped into the water to save him:

My father had fallen asleep on the mattress. Suddenly, neither my mother nor my aunts noticed anything. Andrea sees my father suddenly fall and never get up again. He dives into the three and a half meter deep pool and we watch.

Fortunately, the boy was able to be rescued and the situation was resolved in the best possible way. “It felt like a movie. Today Andrea saved my dad,” Teresa Langella concluded.

Teresa Langella and Andrea Dal Corso will get married on September 14, after more than five years of love, in the Men and Women’s Studio. The romantic proposal took place during a trip to the Maldives while flying in a helicopter. The couple, as they told Verissimo a few months ago, are now busy preparing. The future bride did not expect the relationship to reach this important step: “I have feelings to the extreme, what should I do if I am like this? I would never have said we would get to this point. He was less prepared than I was, and I wondered if I should give him a second chance.”


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