Thursday, September 19, 2024

Never leave the charger cord plugged into the socket: all risks


Leaving the charger cord of your smartphone or any other electronic device plugged in at all times can be a huge risk. Why? How to act so that you never make a mistake? Here’s everything you need to know about it.

deer freighter It is this practical and useful accessory that allows you to recharge your own energy. Smartphone or any other electronic device at more or less rapid times, depending on the type. Many leave Battery charger cable connected to socket At home or in the office. It seems like a harmless step, but it can actually pose a serious risk. In the following lines, we will provide you with more information about it.

Modern smartphones tend to run out of battery power less often than they used to. However, at least once a day – also depending on the usage that the individual user will do – it will be necessary. Put your phone on charge. Using a battery charger.

Today’s smartphones allow you not only to call and send SMS, but also to connect to the Internet, download and listen to music, use various applications, take photos, shoot videos and much more. Therefore, the phone’s battery will run out during the day..

Never do this step with your charger cord: unpleasant consequences

Never leave the charger plugged in: this is why (

Leave the charger cord plugged into the socket. It can be a very convenient thing to always have the device available to charge your cell phone. A step that many people take, but It would be good to change your habit..

The reasons are due to both A Unjustified consumption of electricity From purely related aspects Public Safety.

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Many people underestimate the fact that the charger will continue to consume a small amount of electricity even when your mobile phone is not connected to it. This “Imaginary” consumption. It can affect your bill at the end of the month. Unplugging the charger from the socket – when not in use – would be a smart move that will allow you to Save a few euros every month.

Security risk

But there’s a more important reason for our advice to unplug the charger cord from the socket.

In fact, especially old magazines will be able to do so. High temperature – In the most unfortunate cases – Cause serious house firesIn fact, overheating can cause an electrical short circuit.

Furthermore, leaving the device plugged in all the time may cause the cable to wear out more quickly. The protective sheath may be damaged and expose the internal wires to the open air. In this case too, The risk of causing an electrical short circuit will be doubled..


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