Thursday, September 19, 2024

Orlandi Case, New Mystery on Emanuela: Americano’s Clue Truth: How Is It Possible?


“On July 7, 1983, a man, later nicknamed Americano, telephoned the Orlandi home and claimed to be Emanuela’s kidnapper. As proof, he provided the closest clue about the girl He knows only a few people. In fact, he said verbatim: ‘Your girlfriend now likes a boy named Alberto who is in the army’. It’s a real clue.” Weekly magazine ‘Giallo’ reports that, “Emanuela had a crush on her musical partner, Alberto, 19, and he reciprocated. When Emanuela disappeared on June 22, 1983, he had actually only served in the army in Orvieto for a month.”

“Emanuela’s mother confirmed that she was aware of this sympathy. Emanuela had said a few words about her, but she was a very reserved woman. The Carabinieri questioned Alberto on July 20, and he provided a more basic element, Giallo, Cairo editor , publishes exclusively (with minutes of the time): True, he was a soldier and at 10.30 p.m. he was admitted to the Celio Military Hospital and stayed there for two nights,” the weekly underlines.

Asked by ‘Giallo’, Alberto explains today: “I had to remove some warts from one hand. However, Emanuela and I are not engaged.” “Could Americano have known about this route to Rome on the evening of Emanuela’s disappearance, and tried to cast shadows and suspicions on him? But the most perplexing question is: Who is Americano and how did he find out that Alberto was ‘in the army’?”, asks ‘Giallo’.


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