Thursday, September 19, 2024

It is the richest (and poorest) municipality in the region.



The average annual taxable income per capita (2023 declarations in the 2022 tax year) in Emilia Romagna is 23,713 euros, exceeded only by Lombardy and Tintino, and above the national average (21,752 euros), there is also a growth, compared to the previous year, of 4.3%, although it is below the national average (4.9%). This is what the latest report from the Institute for Economic and Social Research (Ires) reveals.

Although the figures are preceded by a “+” sign, the inflation trend has been higher, so it is a decline that relates particularly to income from employment and pensions.

Based on tax returns filed in 2023 and relating to the 2022 tax year, Emilia Romagna is confirmed in third place in terms of average taxable income per capita and is characterized by a more equitable distribution of income “with a lower rate of income groups with low income levels and a higher concentration of taxpayers in middle income categories compared to the national average”.

Bologna and Parma are the provinces with the highest average taxable income, at over €25,000, while Rimini is the least “rich” with around €19,600. Parma and Bologna are also the provinces with the highest income for employees. Pension income is lower (on average around €3,000) than income from work, but has higher growth rates than the previous year. Income from self-employment is much higher than other types of income, with Bologna leading the way, followed by Piacenza and Parma. But let’s look at income in detail.

Bossandre, CGIL: “More equal distribution, but the salary question remains”

“The fact that more than 60% of declared incomes in Emilia Romagna are between 15,000 and 55,000 euros is an indication of a certain fairness in the distribution of income in our region, certainly greater than in other parts of the country, but some data ring a strong alarm bell – commented on the IRes data the Secretary General of Cgil Emilia Romagna, Massimo Bosandri, who gave an interview to Bologna today on the economic prospects, in light of the new budget law.

“The growth in employment income is well below the inflation trend. The issue of wages, which the CGIL raises throughout the country, is beginning to become a central issue also in Emilia Romagna, where we certainly have many jobs but it is clear that there is still little diffusion of good work – notes Bosandri – and even the growth in pension income is not keeping pace with the loss of purchasing power due to the numerous cuts in revaluation mechanisms.

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Then there is the very strange phenomenon of the simultaneous massive increase in income from self-employment and business activities, in this case above inflationary dynamics, which indicates two things: the fact that the latter type of work “creates” more than the work employed. Because it is clear that the wealth produced is poorly distributed between the two types; the fact that the “flat tax” has probably exposed some areas of tax evasion. Let us not look at it as a positive fact, because it would be sad and paradoxical that in order to limit the use of tax evasion in this country it would be necessary to “ratify” a system that makes those who earn less, employees and pensioners, pay more taxes, and less taxes for those who earn more.

Some data also call into question the logic we have to go towards the advanced maintenance of the Labor and Climate Pact. In this area we have a strong regional imbalance in income, especially in employment, and the province (Rimini) is below the national average. The design of Emilia Romagna with two or more speeds is increasingly realistic, however it is a problem that must be solved”.

Bologna and Parma on the podium: income in the Emilia Romagna provinces

Parma is a little richer than Bologna.. Rimini comes in last, while Ferrara as the capital municipality ranks higher than the major municipalities of Romania, including Ravenna.

Modena had the most growth in the decade 2012-2022, but also Cesena, which in terms of average taxable income surpassed both Forlì and Ravenna for the first time in 2022.

Taxpayers: Modena and Reggio Emilia outperform Bologna

The highest proportions of taxpayers with incomes above 75,000 euros are always found in the provinces of Bologna and Parma. On the contrary, the figure for Rimini stands out, which registered a proportion of declarations from 0 to 15,000 euros of 41.3%, higher not only than the regional average but also the national average.

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Compared to the national average, our region has a much lower percentage of annual incomes below €15,000 (31.1% vs. 38.0%), as well as a higher percentage of taxpayers declaring incomes above €75,000 per year (3.3% vs. 2.9%). It is also a better situation than the national average (60.7% vs. 54.2%), and the provinces of Modena and especially Reggio Emilia also outperform the provinces of Bologna and Parma, which are generally considered “richer” as we have seen. In this case too, the data for Rimini differs negatively from those of the other provinces.

Income level-2

No taxpayer in the province of Bologna and its districts declares from zero to 15 thousand euros, while they declare more than 75 thousand euros, in addition to the capital Bologna San Lazzaro di Savena, Sasso Marconi and Monte San Pietro.

Rich and poor

Alpinia (RE) and Gazzola (PC) share the strong growth in taxable income from 2012 to 2022, and San Lazzaro di Savena (BO) and Castelnuovo Rangone (MO), in addition to being larger in population, are instead located in the provinces with the highest average income. Only in fifth place in this particular classification we find the first capital municipality, Parma, followed in sixth place by the regional capital Bologna.

Instead, municipalities with low taxable income share a medium to small and in some cases very small demographic size, such as Zarba (PC), with about seventy inhabitants and the municipality with the smallest population in the entire region. Some municipalities belonging to the lowest income bracket have recorded significant growth in the decade 2012-2022. Goro (FE), whose main economic activity is fishing and aquaculture, is the municipality with the lowest average income in the entire region and is one of 8 Italian municipalities, all in the north, that do not reach an average of 10,000 euros per capita.

ER-2 Joint Income

Income from work: highest in Bologna, Parma and Modena

The average income per capita in Emilia Romagna is higher than the national one. Parma, Bologna and Modena remain the provinces with the highest average income per capita in the region. Ferrara, Forlì-Cesena and above all Rimini are those with the lowest average income.

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On average, the growth rates of income from work compared to the previous year are lower than the rates of total taxable income, as well as the rates of other types of income (pensions and self-employment).

Income from work and similar businesses-2

No municipality of Bologna and its province appears in the list of lowest average income from work, but on the contrary San Lazzaro di Savena, Sasso Marconi, Monte San Pietro and Zola Predosa stand out.

Increase in income from work -2

Pension income: highest in Poland

Compared to income from work, retirement income is much lower: about 3,000 euros less in the Emilia Romagna average. Among the provinces of the region in this case, the prevalence of Bologna disease is clear. Parma follows it, while in this case Modena is more in line with the regional average. For this type of income too, the province of Rimini has the lowest average in the region, followed by Forlì-Cesena.

Average pension income -2

Bologna is the municipality with the highest average pension income, not only among the capitals, but in general among all the municipalities in the region. Three other capitals from the 10 provinces find their place in the top ten: Parma, Modena and Piacenza. The other six municipalities of this group are located in the province of Bologna.

Municipalities with the highest pensions

Income from self-employment: Poland leads

Income from self-employment, entrepreneurial activity and participation. The picture that emerges from the IRIS report is that average incomes are much higher than those from employment and pensions.

Among the provinces of Emilia-Romagna, Bologna stands out again, but in this case Piacenza comes after Parma, registering an average income even higher than that of Modena and Reggio Emilia. The lowest incomes are, as always, those of the provinces of Romagna, in particular Rimini, but the average income in Ferrara is lower than that of Forlì-Cesena and Ravenna.

Income from self-employment.

As for the municipalities, in addition to Bologna we find San Lazzaro di Savena and Anzola dell’Emilia.

Joint income from self-employment


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