Friday, September 20, 2024

This Newly Discovered Galaxy Is Twitching | It’s a Star-Filled Fire Cake: Formed by Collision – CUENEWS


This new galaxy is one of the strangest ever seen: it has a strange shape and crazy properties.

A particularly notable astronomical discovery can attract attention because of its Uniqueness Or for its ability to provide new information about cosmic phenomena that are still largely poorly understood. In the vast universeGalaxies come in many different shapes, each with its own history and structure. Among these, some stand out for their truly rare and fascinating formations, capable of challenging our conventional notions of galaxy formation.

Throughout the history of astronomy, discoveries of these unusual cosmic objects have always represented Go ahead Important to understanding our universe. The shape of a galaxy can tell a story. Gravitational interactionsCollisions and physical processes spanning millions of light-years. This makes each new discovery not only an occasion for amazement, but also an invitation to investigate deeper into the processes that shape the universe.

Some galaxies, in particular, are the result of events that can be defined as: cosmic disastersThese unusual events can have consequences that shape not only the galaxy itself, but also its surroundings, leading to unusual shapes and accelerated star formation processes. Ring galaxiesfor example, are among the rarest and most fascinating manifestations of these intergalactic dynamics.

What makes these galaxies so? Interesting It’s not just their rarity, but also the way they deliver their services. Precious details About how galaxies interact with each other. In fact, the dynamics of galactic collisions are extremely complex and can produce phenomena that we are only beginning to fully understand.

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unique galaxy

One of the latest discoveries concerns R5519a galaxy with a unique appearance, reminiscent of the Milky Way. Giant Donut With a central hole of enormous dimensions. This is exactly I am waiting It was caused by a very powerful event: a violent collision with another galaxy, which literally tore it apart. nucleus Central. The galaxy is located at a great distance, in a distant part of the globe.The primordial universeIt represents an unprecedented discovery for astronomers.

The big episode of R5519 Its diameter is approximately 42400 light yearswhile the central hole measures approximately 17612 light yearsThe absence of a central bulge, which is usually filled with stars, and the high rate of star formation along the ring point to a past violent And turbulent for this galaxy. This phenomenon is not only rare, but also a valuable opportunity to deepen the study Disc galaxies Like our own galaxy, the Milky Way.

The amazing galaxy R5519 (Sci.News image) –

Evidence of the ancient past

Simulations indicate that the R5519 should be thin disk galaxy Before undergoing this event Gravity breakThis type of structure is crucial to ring formation, since only galaxies with a sufficiently stable disk can survive a collision of this magnitude without breaking apart completely.

This discovery, published in the journal Nature Astronomy, provides a unique window into how galaxies formed in the early moments of the universe, enriching knowledge about the origins of cosmic structures and offering new perspectives as well. On the evolutionary history of the Milky WayWith these observations, astronomers will be able to improve theories about the birth and evolution of galaxies, and better understand the processes that shaped our universe.

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