Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Spacewalk, after the first one the controversies begin | It’s for the few and wastes a lot of energy: the environment will suffer – CUENEWS


After the first spacewalk, controversy erupted. It is a privilege for the few who consume resources: what are the consequences for the environment?

to’space exploration It has always aroused an irresistible fascination, since the dawn of the first missions. The desire to go beyond the boundaries of our planet has inspired generations of scientists, engineers and visionaries. The idea of ​​traveling into space and observing the Earth from afar may seem like a distant future, but today it is gradually becoming a reality, at least for a lucky few.

Over the years, thanks to the joint efforts of Space agencies In particular, access to space has become less exclusive, leading to an era where i ordinary citizens They can go into orbit. This technological advance has opened up new opportunities for space tourism, while raising complex questions about accessibility, cost, and the impact such travel could have on our planet.

Businessmen Visions Like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, they have invested huge resources into creating private space missions. Their companies, respectively. SpaceX and Blue Origin, aim to make space travel a commercial reality, with the ultimate goal of establishing colonies on other planets. However, these projects are not just about science or exploration, but also about business and entertainment, feeding the dream of space travel within reach of the wealthy.

deer Space tourism It has quickly become a topic of global debate. While some see it as an opportunity to expand the frontiers of human knowledge, others question whether it will actually benefit most people. Despite the incredible nature of this project, few will ever experience space travel, leaving Earth and looking at it from hundreds of kilometers away.

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Polaris Dawn Mission and the First Space Tourists

The last mission Polaris Dawn It represents a milestone in space tourism, bringing the gods to Earth for the first time. Private citizens To take a “walk” in space. Billionaire Jared Isaacson and engineer Sarah Gillis were part of this historic adventure, traveling aboard the Crew Dragon shuttle from SpaceX To stay in orbit for five days. 700 km from EarthThey had an experience that very few in human history have ever been able to experience.

During the mission, Isaacman and his team tested new technologies, including: space suits Designed by SpaceX and its laser communications Starlink For the global internet. These experiences could be essential for future lunar and Martian missions, taking space tourism into an increasingly ambitious future.

Jared Isaacman, first civilian in space (Dawn SpaceX photo) –

Space tourism: a privilege for the few

deer Space tourism It is becoming increasingly a tangible reality, but it remains a distant dream for most people. Missions such as Polaris Dawn It is only available to those who can afford it, reserving the experience for a small elite of billionaires. While a lucky few can enjoy the view of Earth from orbit, the majority of humanity remains grounded on Earth, excluded from these space adventures that seem far removed from the world’s daily problems.

In addition to economic exclusivity, there are growing concerns aboutEnvironmental impact Such flights require enormous resources and produce significant emissions, raising questions about how rockets can be used. Sustainability For this new type of tourism in an era when humanity is already grappling with climate crises. In a time of global emergency, the discussion on how to balance technological progress with protecting our planet becomes even more urgent.

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