Saturday, October 5, 2024

Nutrition and changing the season, advice from expert Ludovico Appinafoli


Nutrition and change of season. To get a good start in the fall, food also plays a role, especially for those who suffer from poor digestion. Professor of Gastroenterology and Director of the School of Specialization in GastroenterologyUniversity of Magna Graecia in Catanzaro, Ludovico Abbenafolireminds us of what Basic rules for handling the transition from one season to another optimally even at the table: «Seasonal changes for so-called dyspepsia patients, that is, those who suffer from digestion difficulties, represent a critical moment also from a biological and hormonal point of view. So we tend to show these symptoms as Reflux, swelling, burning, and even difficulty defecating That’s why we talk about indigestion syndrome.”

A healthy and balanced lifestyle

“Basically We need to intervene first in lifestyle That is, with a discussion related to nutrition, the type of foods that are eaten, and also methods of rest, for example – explains Professor Abenafoli. After eating, it is not recommended to go directly to bed Or lie down in a supine position. It is better to walk or wait before the so-called afternoon nap. – Drink plenty of water during meals to aid digestion Then choose carefully the type of diet that is most suitable for your body, your habits but above all for your symptoms.

Promoting the Mediterranean diet

A specialist who has remained stable in the prestigious rating for 4 years now Stanford University Together with other professionals from the university, which rewards the world’s best researchers, they insist it is necessary Respect a healthy and balanced diet for all ages, preferring the Mediterranean diet: “He eats Little and often It is the best indicator that every person, at any age, should follow. Avoid binging, especially in the evening To go to bed more peacefully and thus avoid indigestion during the night. Therefore, throughout the day, three main meals are accompanied by two snacks, one in the mid-morning and one in the mid-afternoon. Our diet is the best diet in the world, the Mediterranean diet, so we avoid fast food“It is the basis of a series of problems including indigestion syndrome.”

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