Saturday, October 5, 2024

Thus space-time distorts with the dance of two pulsars


Einstein’s theory, further confirmations regarding universal gravitation arrive after 110 years.

Gravity has long fascinated scientists, ever since Isaac Newton coined it Law of universal gravitation To explain how audiences attract each other. Although this law was effective, over time it turned out to be a failure of interpretation Some phenomena observed in the presence of large gravitational fieldsWhich leads to the need for a more comprehensive theory.

With the arrival Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativityAt the beginning of the twentieth century, our understanding of gravity took a revolutionary leap. Einstein suggested that gravity is not a force in the traditional sense, however The curvature of spacetime caused by the presence of mass and energy.

This vision has changed the way we interpret the interaction between celestial bodies, allowing… Explain a series of phenomena that Newtonian theory could not justify. General relativity has been tested in countless ways, through increasingly complex experiments, looking for potential anomalies or flaws.

The idea that we might one day discover something Going beyond general relativity is the dream of many physicistsBecause this would open the door to new, unknown physics. However, at present, new confirmations are also contributing to progress.

New confirmations of Einstein’s theory

A team of researchers fromMax Planck Institute in Bonn He conducted a study on a system of compact stars, testing the theory of general relativity in the context of strong gravitational fields.

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The result was surprising: not only was Einstein’s theory proven correct again, but scientists were able to observe never-before-seen effects, such as the curvature of space-time that distorts the light coming from a pulsar.

A scientist watching the sky (Pixabay image) –

The importance of gravity in studying the universe

These results represent another step forward Confirmation of general relativityWhich shows that even after more than 100 years, Einstein’s theory remains an essential tool for understanding the universe.

The research does not stop: scientists continue To monitor and study cosmic phenomenaHopefully, one day we will discover new elements that push the limits of current physics. Applications of new studies could open doors to this part of The universe we don’t know yet Giving new opportunities to humanity.


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