Friday, October 18, 2024

They are looking for workers in the richest country in Europe. The average salary is 6,118 euros per month


Classification as it is Best countries to work They tell us that the most suitable destinations for those who want to make money are mostly there Northern Europe. Here we work for Fewer hours Well yes Earn morewith lower unemployment rates than Italy and greater purchasing power for wages in general.

Those who cannot find work in Italy, are fluent in English and have the technical skills to do those jobs that are in high demand abroad, this is where they should look.

Among the countries that may be among the most attractive is a small country on the borders with Belgium, France and Germany, just over 1,200 kilometers from Italy: LuxembourgIt is considered The richest in Europe.

Despite its area of ​​​​only 2586 km22 (Valle d’Aosta is even larger at 3,262 km long2), there is no shortage of job offers for those who want to move to Luxembourg for work. In fact, if you are interested in this opportunity, just go to Gates to you – A meeting point between job offers in different EU countries and qualified workers – of which there are many advertisementsSome of which also relate to the professions that can be done Without a degree. In particular, there are so far 2,833 job advertisements in Luxembourg.

The good news is that when moving to Luxembourg for work, Italians do not have to observe the procedures they know: for stays longer than 3 months, in fact, no visa is required, but rather a “registration certificate” issued by the Luxembourg municipality to which the residence will be transferred.

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Responding to one of the many ads available on the Eures portal can therefore be a first step in doing so A rewarding career abroadin one of the countries where the quality of life is also improving thanks to excellent opportunities Earn money.

Working abroad, why move to Luxembourg

As you would expect, Luxembourg – a small country bordering France, Belgium and Germany – is one of the richest countries in Europe and therefore one of the best countries in which to work and live.

Just think about it The average salary in Luxembourg is €73,418 per yearmore than doubled compared to Italy (where we just reached a total of €30,284). On average, considering 12 monthly payments per year, we are consistent 6,118 euros per monthwhile the minimum wage is 2.570.93 euros For the unskilled worker, 3.085.11 euros For those who are.

In detail, eligible workers are those who meet at least one of the conditions required by national legislation, such as possession of… Suitable certificate For the profession he practiced or acquired Minimum 10 years professional practice.

But it is not only the high salary that makes Luxembourg so attractive: in fact, it must be taken into account that being without a job is also complicated. And here, in fact, there is Unemployment rate The lowest among the entire euro area, by only 5,7% (In Italy the latest recorded data is 6.5%).

And be careful, because although the profit is much higher than what is usually expected in Italy, it is also in Luxembourgworking hours He smiles at the workers. If in Italy a person works an average of 36.2 hours a week, in Luxembourg he actually stops at 35.5 hours and is thus able to have more free time (although the difference is not that great, at least not as much as it is with one of the countries Where people work the least hours in Europe, Denmark).

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What do you need to move?

Obviously, when moving to Luxembourg, it is desirable to have a certain proficiency in the language, which although it is not a basic requirement for all job offers on the Eures portal, is an element that should not be underestimated.

In detail, three languages ​​are spoken in Luxembourg: French It is the official language of the administration, so it is recommended to know this language. Then there too Tedesco e Luxembourgishbut many of them also speak English.

If you think that you have the necessary linguistic knowledge to move without any difficulty, then you need to know how to do it. As expected, being part of the European Union, no passport or visa is required: however, for i Lasts more than 3 months Italians going to Luxembourg must apply Arrival announcement And get one Registration certificate. Both procedures must be carried out in the municipality to which the residence is to be transferred.

The registration certificate is issued immediately. In fact, it is enough to have an identity document with you and meet the following conditions:

  • undertake a work activity, whether as an employee or as a self-employed person, or alternatively enroll in an accredited educational institution to undertake a course of study or vocational training;
  • To have sufficient resources for himself and his family members to live without burdening social assistance. In this sense, a health insurance policy is also needed.

All you have to do is adhere to these requirements to get Green light to move to Luxembourg. So finding a company willing to hire is the first step.

Who are the workers needed in Luxembourg?

They had almost reached the Eures Gate 3000 ads mentioning Luxembourg Which relates to the most diverse professional profiles. Therefore, we are looking for qualified workers and more, to the point that there are professions that not only require a university degree, but where knowledge of the French language is not explicitly required (although it still represents an element that will inevitably prefer the candidate) rather than another).

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In this regard, among the various vacancies in which these characteristics are present, there are those that indicate a profession Mechanicalbesides Electricians, Tire dealers, Plumbers e construction workers.

Obviously, there are also job offers for more specialized professionals: e.g. Construction technicians, Data engineers, Station support technicians And also Landscape architects.

Therefore, there are many profiles required, and on the other hand, among nearly 3,000 job offers, it is difficult not to find one that falls within your area of ​​competence.



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