Friday, October 18, 2024

We must escape from Earth and as quickly as possible the alarm sounded by the British physicist: “Run to save yourself without repeating the same mistakes” – CUENEWS


Humanity must look to other planets if it wants to give a future to future generations. Expert’s word.

When we observe the night sky, in addition to the stars, we notice several planets shining with their own light. VenusFor example, it is one of the brightest celestial objects visible from Earth, so much so that it is nicknamed the “morning star” or “evening star.” Its brilliance is due to the reflection of sunlight off its dense atmosphere, making it an enchanting sight at dawn and dusk.

Another planet that attracts attention is… Marty. Its distinctive reddish color, resulting from the presence of iron oxide on its surface, makes it easy to identify. Mars has always stimulated the human imagination, and is now at the heart of space exploration plans. NASA and other space agencies are planning missions to take humans there in the coming decades.

Jupitera giant of our solar system, dominates the sky with its majestic size. Jupiter, which can be seen even with the naked eye, is famous for its Great Red Spot, a giant storm that has raged on its surface for centuries. Thanks to its many satellites, including the four Galilean moons, the planet offers a stunning view even through small telescopes.

Next to Jupiter we find Saturnknown for its stunning rings. Although less bright than Venus or Jupiter, Saturn remains one of the most beautiful planets to observe, especially during periods when its rings are tilted toward Earth, allowing for a clearer view.

Space exploration to survive

According to physicist Brian Cox, planetary invasion is not just a matter of scientific curiosity, but a necessity of knowledge. protection from Specie Humans. Cox argues that humanity must expand beyond Earth’s borders to ensure it has a chance at survival, especially in an age when the planet’s resources are limited.

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the Weakness of the earth Natural disasters, climate change or global conflicts increase the need to find a “Plan B” outside our planet. The probability that a It happened DisastrousHow an asteroid impact or a global pandemic could threaten our existence makes expansion into space not just an aspiration, but a strategic necessity. Moving to Mars, the Moon, or other cosmic destinations won’t be just one New frontiers For exploration, it is a procedure to ensure the continuity of human life. The possibility of building independent, self-sufficient, technologically advanced colonies on other planets would provide a great opportunityAn alternative to relying on land resourcesWhich enhances the chances of our civilization’s long-term survival.

Our future is on another planet, say experts (Pixabay image) –

The future of humanity is interplanetary

For Cox, moving to other planets, such as Mars or the Moon, represents the next evolutionary stage of our civilization. He warns against that Remaining confined to Earth would expose us to existential risksSuch as natural disasters or wars, which may lead to the extinction of our species. Space exploration is not just a dream, it is a necessary path towards a safer future.

Self-sufficient colonies On Mars or the Moon they would not be just temporary shelters, but completely independent communities capable of sustaining themselves over the long term. These colonies can be equipped with advanced technologies to produce food, water, and energy, thus reducing dependence on terrestrial resources. Moreover, the idea of ​​creating a space infrastructure that would allow humanity to go further, Towards the edge of the solar system And even further, accelerating technological development and opening up new economic opportunities. This new chapter in human history will not only ensure the survival of the species, but will mark the beginning of it New era Exploration and innovation.

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