Friday, October 18, 2024

Researcher Mario Tosi reveals the mechanism of fake news and climate denial


Researcher intervention Mario Tozzia well-known face on Italian television, in Elmec Informatica to Brunelloopened two great meditations: the first is relative For the evolution of Homo sapiensThe second: the effect of communications in creating false news and prejudices about science.

To talk about science you need precise words and above all confidence in the scientific method. “Many express themselves without having a scientific basis,” Tozi said. When certain things are repeated, they become reality for someeven if the opinions are incorrect or have been manipulated. People argue based on articles they haven’t even read and interpret them however they like. Not everyone can understand complex scientific articles, let alone those who have not studied them. The physical phenomenon is confused with the social phenomenon. Everyone can have opinions about the formation of Inter, but not about its origin SARS».

Senior researcher Cnr claims so There are no free opinions about everything. A statement that makes those who link this statement with a violation of a democratic principle turn up their noses. However, there is one thing Freedom of expression The Constitution ensures that this is another thing, for example, to decide what is Speed ​​of light Show of hands. “It’s like playing chess with pigeons – stresses Tozi – they don’t understand, they make a mess, they pollute the board, and in the end they think they’ve won. This type of dynamic is often repeated in… Talk show“Those who say it the loudest get the most followers, but it’s a dynamic that only leads to confusion.”

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The polarization of opinions appears to follow the unusual nature of extreme meteorological events. And for reasons Deniers The world has a very clear vision. In short, the question spontaneously arises: What does someone who denies evidence of climate change want to achieve? According to Tozzi, there is only one reason: Take time. In other words, it may seem a bit cliche. But when Tosi digs deeper, what emerges is what emerges Economic motivation This goes hand in hand with the characteristic of Homo sapiens, namely his ability to accumulate.

“Maintaining the status quo serves to achieve profits,” the researcher says, “and this situation was born in US Between the years ’50 and ’70, When tobacco companies tried to discredit the science linking smoking to cancer. Since there were no scientific arguments to oppose it, they set up a campaign Counter information. Two nuclear physicists and others were recruited to sow doubt, not to search for the truth. And cTobacco companies have been profitable for 30 years Thanks to this tactic. Just in 1996 He would be the first American citizen to win a lawsuit against a tobacco company that had meanwhile been profitable for years. This pattern has been repeated with climate change. Corporations seek to maximize profits at the expense of truth.”

The same mechanism, according to Tozzi, was activated during the pandemic with Serum A mRNA Who was in the studio for twenty years while they were together social Even people with no experience have questioned the effectiveness of masks, even though surgeons have been using them for decades. “Science does not solve everything, that’s true – the scientist concludes – but Questioning science leads to more dangerous waste And conspiracy theories. “If you don’t inform yourself properly and don’t use the scientific method, you are at anyone’s mercy.”

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Mario Tozzi: “What is the real difference between man and other animals? The ability to accumulate”


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