Sunday, September 8, 2024

Govt alarm in the United States, Biden is reviewing masks – North America


The Govt alarm returns to the United States, not escaping the new epidemics associated with the spread of delta variation above all else. The recent spate of lawsuits over the failure to save a member of the staff of a White House official and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has sparked fears of new explosions inside corporate buildings. The concern is so great that the Joe Biden-led administration, in a kind of reversal, can passionately edit guidelines on the use of masks for the next few hours or days, and in many cases re-recommend their compulsion, and be vaccinated. After all, the latest numbers of virus outbreaks in most states of the United States are shaking your wrists: cases have more than tripled in two weeks, a significant increase in hospitals (almost doubling) and the number of deaths from a new outbreak averages 250 a day. The average number of infections rose from 13,700 on July 6 to 37,000 on July 20.

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