Friday, October 18, 2024

A €1.3 billion case explodes – Libero Quotidiano


While the Coronavirus disease As the number of infections and hospitalizations rises, which is not yet a concern, another story is emerging that is closely linked to the epidemic. et al Serum. In fact we learn that the pharmaceutical giants Pfizer H BioNTech They have sued governments Poland H Hungary For non-payment of COVID vaccine doses ordered during the pandemic.

According to the law firm representing Warsaw, the two companies are demanding that Poland pay a debt of 5.6 billion złoty. The equivalent of 1.3 billion eurosPlus interest. Instead, Hungary was asked for €60 million, all for 3 million vaccine doses that were never paid for.

“Pfizer and BioNTech are trying to do that Refunds for Covid-19 vaccine orders The two giants explained that they had been contractually agreed upon with these two governments, within the framework of the supply contract concluded between them for the European Union in May 2021.

And again, according to Strelia Law Firm In Brussels, Poland’s dispute with Pfizer dates back to April 2022. The Polish government informed Pfizer and the Health Commissioner that it would not receive the vaccines that had been ordered, and thus relied on several legal arguments and factual circumstances to support its case. position.”

In a social media post published in early December, a Budapest government spokesperson said: Zoltan KovacsHe accused the European Commission and Pfizer of colluding to extract money from EU member states. “It is clear that these vaccines were requested and imposed on Member States in unnecessarily large quantities,” explained Kovacs, the Prime Minister’s head of international communications. Viktor Orbán. Pfizer disputed the arguments and alleged breach of contract, and filed a complaint against Poland in September. The preliminary hearing is scheduled to be held on January 30 next year in Brussels.

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