Sunday, September 8, 2024

A magic button arrives on WhatsApp: what is it?


A truly magical button arrives in WhatsApp and opens up a world of possibilities: let’s discover together what it consists of.

A magic button arrives on WhatsApp: what is it (

There is important news coming WhatsAppAbout buttonis defined as magical, which allows access to a series of mission Which makes communication more expressive and effective within the instant messaging application. On the other hand, we must also take into account the high competition that exists in this field and the constant succession of innovations regarding competing applications, such as Telegram which periodically updates its application to provide additional functionality to users. Let’s find out together what it is.

A magic button is coming to WhatsApp

The magic button that changes everything: this is the news WhatsApp Which, for sure, will please users a lot. Specifically, we are referring to a new function relating attachments Within the application, which will actually be made easier to use thanks to this interesting improvement that will be introduced by dead.

As you know, in order to access the sticker creation function, users must follow a rather complicated path, which includes opening the sticker menu, selecting “Create a poster“And using an interface through which the label itself is created.

What’s new in WhatsApp for Android to create stickers (

Instead, thanks to the new button, the process will be greatly simplified and simplified: in this way, users will be able to access this section for creating stickers by simply touching the button.

Posters generated by artificial intelligence

However, the innovations do not end here: in fact, through this button that will be presented within the instant messaging application, users will also be able to access a large catalog of Posters generated by artificial intelligence. Moreover, this function has already been introduced above WhatsApp for iOS And now, it’s also coming to Android.

However, we must take into account that artificial intelligence already exists within the application itself, for example for Translation of messages Or to create captions within the images themselves, and now they will also be used to create posters.

Therefore, this function, as we told you, is in the beta phase and will soon be released in the stable version of the Android application: In the meantime, if you have appleon iOS, you can already start testing out AI-generated stickers.

With the introduction of artificial intelligence within the functions of WhatsApp, the application will certainly have the opportunity to expand further, going beyond just its function as a dedicated application for instant messaging: it becomes, in fact, a kind of hub through which, precisely, it is possible to communicate with people. , but also using very important tools that basically allow you to improve communication between users within chats.

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