Monday, September 16, 2024

A shift in US strategy in the Indo-Pacific to contain China


The Chinese Representing the first chapter of US security strategy since at least 2009, then-Pres. Barack Obama I will start the project”Pivot to Asia”, diverting US attention away from the European and Middle Eastern quadrantIndo-Pacific With a clear objective that includes strengthening ties with regional countries and China’s ambitions to become a global power.

Pillar of this new policy Tpp (Trans Pacific Partnership)A free trade agreement between 12 countries bordering the Pacific Ocean, but Washington continues to establish bilateral defense ties in line with policy. He spoke in the center (translated as “center and radius”) with countries most affected by renewed Chinese expansion such as the Philippines, Vietnam, Japan, and Australia.

From a security perspective, Obama’s shift of US foreign policy’s center of gravity to the Indo-Pacific region saw funding for military spending (eg, Vietnam) and continued US military presence in that theater. Dispatch – Occasional – Second Csg (Carrier Strike Group) within it Seventh Fleet and strategic bombers to Guam, along with the US Navy’s naval units, to demonstrate America’s commitment to security. Principle of freedom of navigation of sea and sky In geographical areas characterized by disputes over territorial sovereignty (eg the South China Sea).

This approach Not giving the desired resultsWhat has been happening between Beijing and Manila in recent months has been clear to all: as many countries in the Western Pacific have become commercially and economically aligned with China, and as China’s assertiveness has slowly, over the years, turned into actual aggression. Philippine EEZ (Economic Exclusive Zone) in the South China Sea, where attacks by the Chinese Coast Guard (currently with water cannons) against the Philippine military are now common.

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Administration Trump China has placed a lot of emphasis on this policy of containment, acting from a commercial perspective, which means raising Duties Some supplies and raw materials and the military has significantly increased its presence in the Western Pacific region, thanks to further destabilization. North Korea Accelerated the timing of its nuclear and missile development.

On the other hand, Beijing continued its Militarization During a 2015 summit in Washington on disputed islands in the South China Sea, President Xi Jinping said from the White House garden that China would not use weapons systems on occupied islands.

We have come to a public environment where we cannot speak properly like this IncreaseBut a slow and steady increase in tension, including TaiwanNow the infiltration of Chinese fighters and bombers in Addis (Air Defense Identification Zone) Taipei is a constant, and heavily trafficked, route that crosses the bisected “red line” of the Taiwan Strait, which until a few years ago was not crossed by Beijing’s military aircraft.

During Trump’s four-year term, an old multilateral agreement was also resurrected Quad (Quadrant Security Dialogue) The scope was expanded by the subsequent Biden administration to include four-way cooperation between Japan, India, Australia, and the United States, precisely to counter Chinese commercial and military expansion, on emerging technologies, climate change, and vaccines for the latest pandemic. Precisely the current occupant of the White House continued multilateral The launch of the historic defense treaty – for now only in English – is called victims Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States share its key military cooperation and defense industrial systems (eg research in the hypersonic sector), and deepen cooperation on intelligence matters.

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And so we bear witness Strategic change American security, largely a condition of bilateral agreements, is moving to a larger quest multilateral In the European model, i.e. retracing the same path marked in the business sector.

This general environment was conducive to birth Other contracts between bilateral and multilateral Western Pacific countries but above all between them and European countries. In this case, news has recently surfaced that a historic defense agreement has been signed between them Japan and the PhilippinesIt would mark the third such agreement established by Tokyo, after the United Kingdom and Australia, to establish rules for cooperation between each other’s armed forces.

We were saying that the nations of that grand theater are looking eagerly at Europe, and are actually there FranceCoincidentally it has foreign territories in Oceania, which recently saw foreign-led (read Chinese) riots in New Caledonia, and held its first “trilateral dialogue” in 2020 with India and Australia. GermanyIn the same year, it formulated its first policy for the Indo-Pacific region, which led to the first mission of a warship in those waters and initiated a dialogue with Japan.

me too’Italy By establishing a historic strategic cooperation agreement with Tokyo and implementing its relations with other countries such as Indonesia and Singapore, it has moved aggressively without forgetting a greater commitment to “showing the flag” in that sector of the world.

Participation Navy Military exercises like Rimbaug 24 and Indo-Pacific missions of CSG by aircraft carrier “Kevor” and aircraft groupAir Force It will reach Japan in stages (including one in Australia).


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