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Air conditioners, you risk serious damage to your health just because of this mistake: which you make every day without even knowing it.

Air conditioners, you risk serious damage to your health just because of this mistake: which you make every day without even knowing it.

Experts have sounded the alarm about air conditioners: many people use them incorrectly. Here are all the details.

The air conditioner has now become an indispensable tool for the daily life of millions of families, above all because it provides the possibility of cooling from strong heat and eliminating humidity. However, you should always do this Remember to use it correctly.Because it can become the number one enemy of your health.

In fact, there are people who make a trivial mistake without realizing it, but it can cause serious problems for the human body. Now we will try to understand how the air conditioner should be adjusted so that its fresh air does not harm us. Here are some practical tips on how to use it.

How to set the air conditioner correctly

According to a recent study by Istat, almost one in two families has an air conditioner in their home: 48.8% of Italians to be exact. The study also revealed that sales increased by 29.4% compared to 2013. All this clearly leads to an increase in the demand for electricity throughout the national territory, and at the same time, Strong surge in consumption on the bill.

To avoid waste, the government has issued a new regulation, so that families can get significant financial savings. So what is this innovative measure? According to the latest decree law, the temperature of air conditioners must not exceed 19 degrees (plus two degrees for tolerance) in winter.

How to Avoid Air Conditioning Hazards
Advice on how to use the air conditioner correctly –

During the summer, you must remember to never drop below 27 degrees (minus two tolerances). This last system not only saves energy but also protects one’s health. In fact, doctors advise not to lower the temperature to the minimum. In the summer, it may cause cold air from the air conditioner Bronchitis, bacterial sinusitis, colds, and even joint and muscle pain. As for public buildings, the temperature should never fall below 25 degrees during the summer period, while in winter it is recommended that the temperature not exceed 21 degrees.

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In any case, To avoid health problems, the air conditioner should be set to a temperature 5-6 degrees lower than the outside temperature. Another very important tip is about the airflow, which should never be directed towards your body. You can also select the “dehumidification” option to lower the temperature a little without affecting the human body. So these are very simple operations, and everyone should do them to relieve the extreme heat and stay healthy.