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Anti-gay meteorologist Luca Cesaroni assaulted by waiter in Rome in Rome: reaction

Anti-gay meteorologist Luca Cesaroni assaulted by waiter in Rome in Rome: reaction

Meteorologist Luca CiceroI, Roy’s well-known face, was the victim of a homophobic attack in Rome. It was the TV journalist who took to social media to report sexist phrases an employee had uttered during an evening with friends at a club in Rome’s Montesacro neighborhood.

Attack on Luca Cesaroni

Cesaroni recounted his experience in the Rome neighborhood where he has lived since 2005 in a lengthy post on his Facebook page. “I want to report a horrible act Homosexuality Disturbed the peace of a pleasant dinner with friends,” he wrote at the beginning of his social complaint.

Shortly before leaving the restaurant after dinner with two friends on Saturday evening, June 29, he was verbally assaulted by “one of the staff,” the meteorologist said, despite searching for the owners. And interacted with the lady at the checkoutThe atmosphere has deteriorated Quickly in front of the disbelief of the diners in the place where I will never set foot again”.

Episode of homosexuality against Roy Meteorologist

“It all started with a compliment to the waiter, who responded by tackling me hard. Insults“, wrote Cesaroni, to which he simply replied, “I feel sorry for him.”

“At that moment I walked away,” we read again in the journalist’s entry, “avoided a confrontation with the bully, walked around the Piazzale Adriatico, entered the restaurant opposite to look for the owners, and was sure to apologize. ”.

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Insults of employee

“He followed me and started slamming the door push me away, humiliate me, always in the same way – this is the testimony of Cesaroni – he told me, you are afraid, are you not? Because you are cowards, half-humans, patients and he shoved me in front of the cashier, who instead of intervening supported him without justification, without insulting yes, but his thoughts were clear. And so it was!”.

“This matter left a mark on me – Rai Meteorologist complained – and I understood that politicians are setting a bad example of hatred, racism, homophobia and this country.

Photo Source: Instagram – Luca Ciceroni