Friday, October 18, 2024

Astronomers are working to give us a safe homeland We are on Earth, but what hosts us is “dark”: we may end up in a cluster of attractions – CUENEWS


Astronomers are searching for answers for the future. Earth is traveling into the unknown: we could be sucked into a massive galactic attractor.

The Milky Way, the galaxy in which Earth is located, is made up of billions of stars, planets, dust, gas and dark matter. At its center there is a massive black hole called… Sagittarius AAround which stars and other celestial bodies revolve. This structure is organized into different components, including a dense central bulb, a disk with famous spiral arms, and a halo surrounding the entire galaxy. The total diameter of the Milky Way Galaxy is estimated at about 100,000 light-years.

The stars, including the Sun, are distributed across these different regions. The central luminary is the most compact region and hosts the oldest and densest stars. Along with the black hole in the center. This core is surrounded by a disk containing the spiral arms of the galaxy. In these arms are younger stars, star clusters, and star-forming regions, such as nebulae and molecular clouds.

In addition to stars, our galaxy contains vast amounts of dust and gas, making up about 10% of the visible mass of the Milky Way. This material clumps together to form clouds that play a crucial role in the formation of new stars. When these clouds collapse under the influence of their gravity, stars begin to form within regions known as “Star Nurseries“.

Finally, the Milky Way Galaxy is surrounded by a halo of dark matter, a form of matter that neither emits nor absorbs light, but exerts a significant gravitational influence. Dark matter is fundamental to understanding galaxy structure and dynamics, because it contributes to its total mass and holds its various components together through gravity.

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Our galaxy could be caught in a massive ‘attraction basin’: what is it?

Astronomers call the Shapley focus “Basin of attraction“Because it is a region of the local universe that exerts a strong gravitational force. This region contains the largest concentration of matter, including galaxies and dark matter, which acts as a large-scale cosmic attractor. According to recent observations, the Milky Way and other nearby galaxies can be affected by the gravitational structure This is huge.

Shapley focus They are particularly interesting because they serve as a major node in the cosmic web. Their mass is so high that they distort spacetime, pulling other galaxies towards them. Dark matter, which makes up a large portion of its mass, amplifies this effect. Recent studies suggest that our galaxy, the Milky Way, is slowly moving toward this gravitational basin, which could have long-term implications for our place in the universe.

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What is Shapley concentration?

The Shapley focus is part of the Laniakia supercluster, a vast cosmic structure that includes clusters and clusters of galaxies, including our own galaxy. milky way. Thanks to detailed studies of galaxy movements, scientists believe that our galaxy is heading towards this dense region of matter. This gravitational basin, made up of visible and dark matter, represents one of the largest gravitational formations in the known universe.

The Shapley focus is not only a huge collection of galaxies, but also a crucial point for understanding the large-scale structure of the universe. Scientists called it the “super attractor” because of its ability to influence the motions of entire galaxy clusters. Its mass is so massive that it distorts the path of surrounding galaxies, including the Milky Way, towards it. Future studies may reveal how Shapley focus It contributes to the expansion and dynamics of the universe, helping to better understand the role of dark matter in the formation of large cosmic structures.

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