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Azores resistance is coming back.  Why this is a turning point and what it means for Italy

Azores resistance is coming back. Why this is a turning point and what it means for Italy

Weather: Azores resistance is coming back. Why this is a turning point and what it means for Italy

Azores resistance returns to Italy

Italy is struggling with a small storm gap as a result of the passage of an unstable front bringing rain and thunderstorms, particularly in the northeast and mid-south. But the most important news is about the following days: following the cold season, our country will be reached by the eastern branch of the Azores high pressure.

l’High pressure in the Azores considered The Mediterranean is the highlight of the summer, capable of thermoregulation of the climate by controlling excess heat. It is an anticyclone called semi-permanent because it is usually not fixed in its position, but moves, thus affecting the weather throughout Europe.

As the high pressure moves eastward, and therefore towards the Mediterranean, all the countries bordering this sea, including Italy, rejoice. Pleasant climate with good weather. In fact, the Azores anticyclone forms aboveOcean And the temperature of the sea water is lower than that of the land, the winds that circulate around the anticyclonic figure (clockwise) are moderate, compared to, for example, the winds from Africa.
In light of this, the Azores have a mild climate with a mild climate in the presence of an anticyclone. That’s what we expect Thursday 4 and Friday 5 July when the only It shines from north to south Full summer temperature Yes (26°C to 28°C in the north, 30°C in the south and the larger islands) but not scorching: in short, the Italian summer of yesteryear!Summer temperature but not extreme

Summer temperature but not extreme
Now the climate has changed and now the African anticyclone has changed the Azorean figure. Not to disprove this thesis, very soon sub-Saharan high pressure will become the protagonist again.
In fact, there will be one in mid-July A new extension of the subtropical beltThis will bring a rise of warm air masses from North Africa to the Mediterranean.

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