Thursday, September 19, 2024

Basilicata, Ciorasso quit and joined Marres: “To send together a centre-right government, the worst in history”


The last episode of the centre-left's soap opera for the regional elections in Basilicata is (perhaps) the return to the coalition of Angelo Ciorazzo, a member of the Catholic-democratic association Basilicata Casa Commune. Chiorazzo will not run for governor, but he will support Piero Marrese, the candidate chosen by Pd and M5s, for the regional elections on April 21 and 22. […]

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The last episode (maybe) of a racing soap opera. Center-left at Regional Inside Basilicata Returning to the alliance is worrying Angelo CiorazzoLecturer of the Catholic-Democratic Society Basilicata Municipal House. Ciorasso will not run for governor, but will support regional elections on April 21 and 22. Piero ReceivingCandidate selected by Pd e M5s After Lacerenza withdrew. “With great sense of responsibility, we all decided it together No need to be selfishBut that all Lucanians should be given the opportunity to turn around and give Basilicata Different government from that Center-rightIt was Worst in history“, Chiorazzo himself told Potenza in a press conference together with Marrese.

He was the first candidate for Entrepreneurship in the Social Sector Democratic Party, but the allies did not believe his name. After the election fell decisively to Marrese, Chiorazzo showed coolness towards the coalition formed by Pd, M5s, Green Europe and the Italian left. However, according to what filtered into Lucanian political circles, he was expected to return to the coalition within these hours: the businessman welcomed appeal The Regional Secretaries of Pd, Europa Verde, M5S, Sinistra Italia, Basilicata Possibile and Psi and will support the President of the Province of Matera. Ciorasso has already taken a step back to support the ophthalmologist Domenico Lazarenza, who was also elected on the center-left, who resigned last March 16 after three days in office.

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So it will be a centre-left alliance challenging the candidate in the month-long election. Center-rightOutgoing Governor Vito bar offSupported by Italia Viva It is yes action cheater Marcello Pittella. Now the focus shifts listSubmissions must be made at Potenza and Madera Judge Palaces on Friday March 22nd from 8am to 8pm and Saturday March 23rd from 8am to 12pm. Tomorrow, Thursday 21 March, however, a meeting is scheduled, the last Assembly, in Give advice Regional.


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