Monday, September 16, 2024

Booking, the new scam that empties customers’ accounts: Watch out for this message, it is impossible to recover the money


The new booking scam is emptying customers’ bank accounts. Pay attention to this message because it is impossible to recover the money.

There are a lot of scams online right now, and one has just been added to it. Affects booking portal customersThe new attempt by cybercriminals could seriously ruin this year’s summer vacation, as you could lose a lot of money. What makes this situation even more complicated is the fact that criminals have added tools that make it easier to trick users.

New booking scam empties account –

As we know very well, cybercriminals tend to operate in an area where there is a high demand from users. Due to the summer period they decided to create one New scam in the name of one of the most important travel agenciesand of course he is a victim too.

The booking scam follows a recurring pattern but tends to be very convincing to some users: let’s see how the new scam works and if there is a possibility of a refund.

New Booking Scam: The Message to Watch Out For

The booking scam occurs through a simple message that appears: After booking accommodation on the websiteThe call reaches the internal chat to which the user was invited. Confirm reservation on external portalincurring payment. The first part of the message is in English and is followed by a link that must be clicked to prevent cancellation of the reservation.

How does the booking scam work?
How the new Booking scam works –

The message always continues in English and tends to become more urgent. Convince the user to click on the linkNote that in case of non-continuity, the reservation will be cancelled within 24 hours. For this message, as stated today isThere are also variants, including one in Italian that follows the English dialect pattern.

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If you click on the link and enter your details, the scammers will have free access to your account and will make several withdrawals. For this reason, you should always be careful and not click on any links because the booking does not work that way.

If you fall into the trap, Booking advises customers to contact you. today isfor Check your payment policy information. It is mentioned in the booking confirmation. Users can also Report suspicious communications to the customer support team or by clicking on “Report a problem”. Alternatively, for refunds and other requests, the agency recommends Contact our customer support team To receive the necessary support.


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