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Bread, which one do you eat? If you always buy this kind at the supermarket, you are making a big mistake: only this kind is the best

Bread, which one do you eat? If you always buy this kind at the supermarket, you are making a big mistake: only this kind is the best

Part –

Also pay close attention when choosing what kind of bread to bring to the table: if you don’t eat one, you’re making a mistake.

There is a food that we can never miss when we sit down at the table, and this is it part. This product is made from water, flour and yeast, and is the basis of our diet. In the past, this was all that many families could afford, and above all everyone prepared it at home.

Today, bread is bought from… Your trusted bakery Or in Fermented products section of the supermarket. Its role at the table has also changed as it is now often an accompaniment to a second course or a delicious side dish.

If before we made it at home and knew all the ingredients, now we have to trust whoever produces it Some are better than others.

Bread: Always choose the best

As we said today part I also chose to buy it because you have little time to prepare it at home. That’s why we go to a bakery or any supermarket that always has bread or rolls already packed and ready to sell. But in this sense we must be careful What bread do we buy? Above all, the ingredients with which it is made. Experts suggest paying attention above all to the origin of the grains.

In particular, the guide Gambero Rosso He has drawn up the usual ranking of the best bakeries in Italy. It is better to find someone to exploit Local wheat Or those bakeries that take care of the entire manufacturing stage, including the wheat manufacturing stage, even if they entrust it to an external company. But let’s see together what are the best bakeries and where it is recommended to buy bread.

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Best Bread –

Better Bread: The Official Guide

In the guide Bread and Bakers in Italy 2025 by Gambiero Russo There are a total of 558 bakeries with many new entries compared to the list made last year. Among these we have several Tre Pani Award winners and 3 Special Award winners. Among the best we find Le Coin du Pain in Valle d’Aosta, Maurizio Sarioli bread from Brescia or Olivieri 1882 from Arzignano.

Moving towards the center we find Assault on the Ascoli Piceno ovensI A piece of bread from Frosinone oppure no new entry Marie’s bakery in Rome. But in the south we find La Francesina Boulangerie in Ercolano and again Adriatico Bakery in Bari No new entry Madriga Cagliari. These are some examples of the long list that you can find in full on the official website.