Thursday, September 19, 2024

Cardinal’s virtuous circle: victory, fans, stadium and income


After the official signing between RedBird Capital and Elliott which witnessed the settlement Jerry Cardinal In the offices of Casa Milan, the new Rossoneri club number one has returned to the United States for a few days. The owner of AC Milan immediately appeared decisive in his speeches and in his programmes, but above all already with the facts and wants to make his new investment significant, not only in economic terms.

healthy community

As I mentioned this morning TuttosportCardinale believes strongly in Milan and has the opportunity to do so not only for the projects he has in mind – which experts in the world of sports have identified stars and stripes like never before – but above all because Those who came before him left him a perfectly functioning operational machine, as well as a winning machine. Milan, as reported today, indicates that the financial statements are almost in surplus thanks to Elliott’s management. According to the latest rumors, in fact, the negative amount with which it will close on June 30 is about 50 million, half of it compared to last season. The Scudetto revenue has not yet been considered. In short, Cardinale is starting from a solid starting point that you intend to expand and make it grow. RedBird founder wants to do To continue to develop the Rossoneri brand in the world and would like to wintwo things that can be closely related.

Effective cycle

So we can define the cardinal goal as the activation of a virtuous circle. Milan is economically sound and has won in Italy: now through sponsors, the Champions League, the new stadium project, fan participation and much more, they want to increase revenue that, in the future, They will help keep the team competitive on a sporting level. In terms of the stadium in particular, Cardinale has a fantastic position, thanks to the support of Alec Scheiner, his trusted right-hand man who was responsible for designing one of the most futuristic facilities on the planet: the Dallas Cowboys AT&T Stadium. The new owner of the Rossoneri was on a visit by the mayor of Sesto Di Stefano and was already going to visit the abandoned Valk warehouse area as a potential area for the construction of the new Devil’s House. At the moment, we are satisfied with filling the San Siro for next season, almost already 30,000 season tickets have been sold.

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