Sunday, September 8, 2024

Combinations, OK to super bonus if not expanded


08/03/2021 – In the renovation of a single-family apartment building, where both structural works, redistribution of interior spaces, and energy rehabilitation works will be carried out, the replacement of fixtures will benefit from the 110% super-reward as a traction intervention.

But with one condition: new windows may have a different surface but must respect the principle of energy saving he is not confessing, at the end of the business, build Larger surfaces than before.

Clarification of revenue agency contained in Answer 524 dated July 30, 2021.

Regarding the replacement of windows, the agency states that for the environmental reward, the works should be carried out Replace existing items Not a fresh install.

For works other than demolition and renovation, the environmental bonus can be applied even if it is planned to be moved and Various sizes of fixtures, provided that The total surface area with finished works is less than or equal to the previous.

In short, the agency specifies that the opponent is obligated to comply with Energy saving principle, which is the basis of the subsidy system.

Infissi and superbonus, Virgilio / Ines version

The orientation expressed by the agency in this response does not quite align with that of Aeneas exiting a chat with Virgil, the bot who answers doubts on the site dedicated to building rewards.

Speaking of windows and doors, Virgilio replied: “We think that compared to the original dimensions, Very small deviation can be tolerated (within 2%) For unavoidable technical reasons.

And he adds: “In the case of the simultaneous installation of external thermal insulation”thermal coat”) The size of the window or door can only be changed with respect to External puncture contraction. Similarly, in the case of simultaneous installation of radiant floor system, you can only change the window size with respect to To increase the level of movement of the foot“.

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