Thursday, September 19, 2024

Come to the masses, the spirits are free: But the initiative stirs controversy


Urbino, 17 August 2024 – Mass & spritz 2xUNO’. A Report of the University Church Urbino Inviting young people to join the Sunday celebration and the cozy moment that followed sparked a general interest among critics, scoffers and supporters to communicate the successful initiative. The truth is, then Thousands of views e Comments on Instagram and FacebookOnline articles and street conversations, The poster will be changed.

The sponsor of this initiative is Fr Andrea RiccatiThe young Franciscan is very active in youth ministry and is in charge of the University Parish of Urbino, an organization that has been working among the students of Feltre University for decades. We contacted him: “The poster is not new – he tells us – I don’t know how it ended up in the national social media: it was an incredible success, the poster received an avalanche of likes, but it attracted the anger of traditional Catholics, sometimes criticize, including an online magazine too Pope Francis.

The parish priest continued: “I am sorry that a controversy has arisen over the creation of a graphically attractive poster. Direct topic and AA stamp of youth. Also VescovoWe decided to change it and apologize if the topic and proximity Pictures of the Eucharist e Spirits They hurt someone’s feelings. There was a purpose To arouse attentionOf course mass and aperitif are not meant to be on the same level. After all, the initiative, namely having an aperitif after mass, has been going on throughout Italy for decades. Not only that: The tradition of the first centuries of Christianity included a conciliatory moment after the Eucharist. The Pope is pushing us towards a church that is outgoing and close to young people, and we do this without forgetting the liturgy.” In short, after Mass there will be an aperitif together. New poster.

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