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Despite the holiday bonus, Greece and Spain are cheap

Despite the holiday bonus, Greece and Spain are cheap

Other EU countries, especially those focusing on resuming tourism, welcome visitors who have been vaccinated.Italy No, we still do not know when that will happen. With a paradox: even an Italian who has completed the vaccination course and has a certificate issued by his region, if he returns from another EU country it spreads Virus It is comparable to our country and it still needs to be cleared. However, from today, Spain accepts the vaccination certificate, France will do so in the middle of the week, and Greece has been doing it for some time. They are already using the method Green Pass Europio, The EU is waiting for exactly lightning fast times to become inactive.

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However, Italian tourism is fined compared to its neighbors. He attacks Deputy Secretary of Health Pierre Pavlo Celeri: “This is a foolish tactic. What does it mean to ask a vaccinated person for a cloth? Despite the immunizations, someone had to go into isolation. But when will Italy treat vaccinated tourists like its neighbors? «This is something you should ask the Minister. I can only say that I wrote a letter to the public administration a few weeks ago emphasizing this tool. But I will say it again without complications: it is unwise to force a passenger to undergo a tampon even if he is vaccinated.

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From July 1 this system should become a reality: if we welcome a Vaccine Without testing it is a nonsense today, it will be even in a month. Dominica’s guest Celeri also launched a program yesterday: Giving families two free tampons a week to get a green pass (apparently, for age reasons, for those who have not been vaccinated). Celeri says: In families with children under the age of 12 who cannot get 12 vaccines, it is clear that children have to be wiped out, which is a cost that is rightly paid for by the government. As the Green Pass is increasingly implemented, it is necessary for families to move in this direction to guarantee multiple tampons so that they are in circulation.

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However, in the case of Italy, it is urgent to regulate the procedures even if health care is guaranteed to resume tourism. This year, holidays in our country will cost 15 percent more than in 2020, and prices in Spain and Greece are currently stable. Many books abroad, even those in the holiday bonus pocket. Fiavet-conformercio Ivana Zelnik explains: In Italy we are recording an increase in the most popular seaside and mountain resorts and medium-high-distance hotels, somewhat motivated by investments made in structures and managers now have the cover. We are talking about an increase of 10-15 percent. In contrast, in the islands of Greece and Spain, prices remained stable compared to last year. The result? “At this point many Italians want to book outside of Italy in order to save money,” explains the Italian Tourism and Tourism Business Association’s top priority, “sometimes those who receive a holiday bonus in 2020 and have not yet spent it”.

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The holiday bonus is worth a contribution of 500 euros in the case of large families, which can be spent in Italy, modified by Sostechni Pizal, and can now be used when booking at travel companies. “As the numbers show, it’s not enough to just drop an action off the ground that has had a lot of difficulty hitting itself so far,” Jellinick says. 1.8 million vouchers were generated, ranging from 150 to 500 euros depending on the applicant’s embryo (singles are entitled to a minimum discount, families of two persons received 300 euros), equivalent to 800 million euros. The resources allocated by the Conte government to fuel aid last summer exceeded two billion euros. Worse. The vouchers actually used are a minority, about 800,000. Of the 800 million euros booked by 2020, nearly 500 million will therefore be “consumed”. In practice, one million more unused holiday bonuses are in circulation. More specifically, the Sostechni Biz Order also allows travel agents and tour operators to make contributions, and not just in accommodation facilities participating in this initiative. The expansion of the methods of using the bonus was dictated by the need to spend the families of the beneficiaries to help resume the tour, but for now the innovation has not yielded the desired result.

Last Updated: 23:27 © Reviewed