Sunday, October 6, 2024

Don Luigi Maria Epicoco – Commentary on the Gospel of July 7, 2024 –


There comes a moment in Jesus’ life when even those who have been with him for a long time and perhaps seen him grow are in a position to understand that he is not just someone like everyone else, but something more mysterious.

Listen to “Don Luigi Maria Epicoco – Commentary on the Gospel of July 7, 2024” on Spreaker.

The intuition of this diversity comes from its wisdom and from the signs it creates. But there is one thing we often prefer to facts, and that is our biases. We always struggle to let go of our prejudices and instead accept the reality before our eyes, but without this dedication to reading the facts, we can fall into the trap of spending our lives closed to our beliefs, completely ignoring reality.

Jesus proved with facts that he was the Messiah, but his fellow villagers were shocked by him:

“Where do these things come from? What kind of wisdom is this that has been given to him? And these wonders that his hands perform? Is this not the carpenter, the son of Mary and the brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? Are not your sisters here with us?” And they were shocked by him. Hence the bitter look of Jesus that has become famous throughout history: “Then Jesus said to them, ‘A prophet is not despised except in his own country, among his own relatives, and in his own house.’”

No one is a prophet in his own country, which means that it is always difficult for our truth to be recognized by those who now think they know everything about us. Love is not getting used to the other, but remaining before the other with a gaze that can always see his newness, not simply confirming our prejudices.

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Only in this way does love always renew life. Only in this way does love unexpectedly reveal what God can truly do.

aTakes: Don Luigi Maria Epicoco
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