Sunday, September 8, 2024

€200 bonus even with June’s salary. This is for whom


INPS and the Ministry of Labor open the inclusion of a file 200 euros bonus also in June salary paid in July, but only in some specific circumstances. This is what the Social Security Corporation specified in the letter 2505/2022 issued on June 21.

The document reiterates that, in general, the bonus must be paid with the month of July wages. However, there may be cases where 200 euros must be included in the June salary. This must be done in the presence of certain relationships (such as a part-time role) or when, in the national collective labor agreement, a specific clause provides for the postponement of salary payment to the following month. On the basis of these assertions, different scenarios can be assumed.

If we refer to a worker who has a normal working relationship, to whom a national collective labor agreement does not provide for the deferred payment of salary and the employer pays the salary by the end of the month, then 200 euros flows into the July salary and the same applies if the company credits salaries in the first days of the month in which Efficiency month follows.

Periodic part-time status

On the other hand, if a particular employment relationship such as, say, a part-time periodical provides performance in June but not in July, then the bonus will be included in the June salary slip, even if that salary is paid in the following month; This is due to the lack of work performance and the resulting July salary slip.

If the company applies the national collective labor agreement that provides for the postponement of the payment of bonuses to the following month and the employer uses the payment by the fifth of the following month, then 200 euros are included in the payment receipt containing the salary for the month of June. Conversely, if the employer – despite contractual provisions – is still paying salaries by the end of the current month, then the bonus expires in the July salary.


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