Saturday, September 7, 2024

Fallout 76: Phil Spencer appears to be preparing to respond to players’ nuclear attacks


Phil SpencerThe head of Microsoft’s Xbox division may not have taken kindly to this issueNuclear attack Directed to its base at Fallout 76 Perhaps he is preparing to respond in kind.

For those who don’t know what we’re talking about, let’s take a step back. A few days ago, a CAMP created in Fallout 76 by Phil Spencer, known as “P3” on Xbox Live, was targeted by a player with a nuclear attack.

Apparently, it seemed like some kind of playful spite upon hearing the news of the closure of Tango Gameworks, Akane Austin, and a couple of other Bethesda studios that happened shortly before, but, as the site mentioned… my cityThe player responsible for the attack, real1090jake on He also admitted that he tried to challenge him to a 1-on-1 duel, but Spencer did not attack him in response and simply performed the heart gesture.

Is P3 preparing for a counterattack?

As mentioned at the beginning, it appears that Spencer is now preparing to respond to his opponent with rhymes or at least organizing himself to have the means to counterattack in the event of further attacks. As reported by Rebs Gaming on X, the head of the Xbox division has completed the main quest “Officer on deck”.

For those who don’t know, this mission is necessary to unlock access to bunkers that allow you to launch nuclear weapons on the map. It’s one of the last main quests of the game and takes a long time to complete, which means it’s plausible that Phil focused on the main quests in Fallout 76 specifically with the goal of… Unlock nuclear weapons as soon as possible.

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It will be interesting to see if Spencer actually gets revenge or not. Of course, amid the not-quite-positive news surrounding the Xbox brand these days, it’s also a good idea to deal with lighter topics.


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