Friday, September 20, 2024

Farmhouses, the crisis you didn’t expect. “Lower attendance this summer and slower orders”


“A summer that saw a decline in attendance in Farm housesThis demand is for 2024. Demand is slow, and is mainly for short stays and last minute bookings make it difficult to predict.”

This is a trend, which is somewhat surprising in a year that looks likely to beat (almost) all records for agritourism arrivals and attendance, summarized by Augusto Congiuntipresident Tourist farms“The months of June and July recorded a reasonable presence of tourists, but also a decrease in the length of stay and a certain decrease in almost all areas. More than 55% of the structures recorded a lower attendance compared to the same period in previous years, while only 20% recorded the same data as in previous years,” notes Congiunti.

Puglia and Tuscany are the most sought after. Foreigners more than 50 percent

“Among the most sought-after areas – adds the head of Agriturist – there are Puglia, Tuscany H Calabriafollowed by Sicily, Piedmont, Lazio H Liguria“. the Italians I am a circleHe has 48%While foreigners come mainly from Central and Northern Europe. Germania, Swiss, England, Poland, Belarus, Austria, France H when: These are the countries whose tourists prefer to spend their holidays in an Italian farmhouse, in contact with nature, with the traditions of food and wine, and often with art. However, there is also no shortage of tourists coming from them. Israel, United State, Canada H Australia.

Change direction, with one Low attendance And with Short staysat the expense of longer stays and with increasingly late bookings, but the type of clientele is also changing: if previously it was families with children who crowded the farmhouses, now the main guests are couples.

Agritourism figures in Italy

“Our agrotourism companies, able to promote the culture and traditions of the territories, are investing more and more to further improve the quality and quantity of services offered – underlines President Congiunte. – Important challenges await us, paths to be evaluated, first of all everything related to experiential tourism and bicycle tourism, to which we are paying great attention, also through the recently signed agreement with Italian Cycling Federation To promote a kind of hospitality capable of revitalizing rural areas and villages, also economically.

In Italy Agritourism companies I am More than 25,000And 84% in mountainous and mountainous areas. More than 60% of Italian municipalities host at least one. Almost half offer at least three services, and more than one in three is run by a woman. “Despite the uncertainty of the moment – concludes Congiunti – Italian agritourism is certainly, and will increasingly remain, a factor in the development and growth of the regions.”

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