Sunday, September 8, 2024

Fines of up to 1,000 euros for those without a green permit


The Green Trail will be used from Friday, August 6 to 12+ in White Zone areas to access sporting events, exhibitions, conferences, museums and amusement parks. And again: casinos, theaters, cinemas, concerts, public competitions or even just sitting at indoor tables in bars and restaurants (certificate is not necessary for consumption at the counter or even outdoors). It will also be used to access indoor swimming pools, gyms and health centers. the green lane It also allows you to be hospitalized immediately to visit family members who are hospitalized and will still be necessary for attending weddings or visiting relatives in nursing homes.

Fines from 400 to 1,000 euros for those who do not have a green permit

The Draghi government has expanded the commitment to green certification to meetIncrease in infections And avoid new closures of troubled businesses. It is considering new rules for the mandatory green corridor on ships, planes and trains and for the benefit of Action And the school. But let’s go in order. Will anyone who does not have the green pass be fined? What are the penalties stipulated in the latest government decree? To risk heavy fines, effective August 6, both people arriving at venues or events without a green pass when necessary, and activity managers, are responsible. The government decree actually states that “owners or managers of services and activities are required to verify that access to the above-mentioned services complies with the requirements.”

the decree It provides for fines ranging from 400 to 1000 euros to be paid by the operator and the customer. Moreover, if the violation is repeated three times on three different days, “the shop can be closed from one to ten days,” Palazzo Chigi declared. Penalties for green passport forgery are also expected, both for paper and digital documents.

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Checks on the green Covid-19 certificate

Who is responsible for the controls? The checks to verify the validity and authenticity of the Green Passage, as always defined by the decree, will be carried out through the application “VerificationC19”, developed by the Ministry of Health through Sogei. Through the application, the merchant will have to frame the customer’s QR code: if the green card is valid, a green check will appear, the person’s name, surname and date of birth. Verification will be completed by verifying the identity document. So this app will be able to detect even if the green pass is invalid, because it’s faulty, or not yet activated, or expired, or because at that moment 15 days haven’t passed since the first dose of serum was given.

Who is released and when can it be revoked?

The Green Card is issued to those who have been vaccinated against the Coronavirus (even with a single dose, for at least 15 days), to those who have recovered from the disease in the previous six months and to those who have obtained a negative result on a molecular or rapid antigen test. The duration of the green certificate in case of recovery is six months from the date of “recovery” from Covid, nine months after completion of the second dose vaccination course. In the case of swabs, the certificate will be really temporary because it will be valid for 48 hours after the test is performed. The green corridor can be revoked: if the health service will inform the national platform of Covid-19 positivity for someone who has been vaccinated or cured of the virus, in effect, the platform will cancel the green certificate.

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47% of Italians already have it, but 21% don’t want it

The Green Corridor “divides Italian public opinion, but few are giving it up”. This is what emerged from the Confesercenti Swg survey, according to which “47% of respondents have already obtained it while 20% say they have started the process of obtaining it. However, 21% remain who resist the idea of ​​a commitment to a certificate of vaccination and say they do not want to get it” . The survey was conducted on a double sample of consumers and entrepreneurs in restaurants, bar services and other catering businesses, and was interviewed between July 28 and August 2.

Entrepreneurs in bars and restaurants are also divided: among them, in fact, the percentage of customers in favor of the green card remains at 53%. The practical regulation of compliance is also divisive: 46% of consumers believe it is not correct to place the burden of green lane control on restaurants, a share that rises to 54% among restaurant owners themselves. To reinforce corporate rejection, the “specter” of having to take on excessive responsibilities: every mistake can have “serious consequences,” with harsh punishments That arrives until the restaurant closes, Confesercenti explains. For this reason, 60% of activities request that also in Italy, as in France, the initial phase of initiation of commitment is expected to be accompanied by at least a “buffer” period without penalties.

The survey also showed that 46% of entrepreneurs in the catering sector fear that implementing the commitment will “have a negative impact,” with an increase in costs for the company and a decrease in its turnover, while only 29% hope for positive results. Effect. However, optimism prevails among consumers: 37% believe that a vaccination certificate will not change their consumption habits, and another 35% already state that the greater safety offered by the Green Passage will prompt them to eat more often.

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“The hope – Confesercenti comments – is that commitment to the Green Corridor will be effective in speeding up the vaccination process. However, as the survey indicates, entrepreneurs fear difficulties, especially in the probation phase, effectively turning them into police officers: a role that certainly does not belong to them, which is A point that even customers seem to agree on.”


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