Monday, September 16, 2024

Frieza, because they’re all running to put two tin balls: unimaginable


The freezer is one of the most annoying things to clean in kitchens, especially as it produces frost and ice that are difficult to remove. But aluminum foil will save you. How? Find out now.

Aluminum foil balls in the freezer –

there Aluminum foil is a great ally in the kitchen: It preserves food well, helps to cook dishes in the oven and also many other secret functions.

one of these To use with the freezer, Another great friend to all kitchens, it helps us keep food fresh when stored. But what is this handy trick that works with tin foil?

Tin foil in the freezer: what’s the use? Indescribable!

What is the first annoying thing that comes to your mind when you think of it freezer? Surely you will all answer with “unfreezing”: Yes, The freezer is really useful but clean itDefrost and snow removal It really is torture.

Freezer –

usually, To defrost the freezer, it must be emptiedTurn it off and melt all the annoying ice that has formed, which also prevents food from being stored properly and also hampers sealing.

To do this more easily, there is a trick that not everyone knows: aluminum foil. How can it be used to defrost?

It’s really very simple: Just take some sheets of aluminum foil that cover all sides From the freezer it is clear if the ice is low and we are not talking about huge lumps.

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Once this is done, you can put all the products back in place, the aluminum foil will take effect and Ice will only rest on its sides, without affecting the food. In addition, the panels will be easy to remove, thus leaving the freezer clean.

It is always a perfect idea to keep the freezer perfect, which will definitely save a lot of time.

Also, another way to defrost the freezer, when the frost is not excessive, is to use hot water spray And some wet clothes, always warm. This way you will help the ice melt and you can clean each compartment thoroughly.

Other tricks to use the freezer to the fullest

In addition to defrosting the freezer, other things can happen when using this appliance. For example, sometimes Frozen fruits and vegetables lose their flavor Original, it didn’t turn out very tasty.

girl in front of freezer
Girl in front of the freezer –

This is because moisture affects the originality of the product, but to avoid this there is a very special way.

In fact, Simply cover the walls of your freezer or custom drawer inside with each other sponge: This is because the sponge will be able to absorb moisture without allowing it to reach the products.

It’s also good to remember that Fruits and vegetables should be separated than other foods, because contact can lead to a sudden deterioration, rather than keeping them looking their best.

In order not to throw anything away, always remember to do so Determine the date of preservation of products, Or when you put it in the fridge for the first time.

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In the long run, even in the freezer, some foods no longer look good, so it’s a good idea not to store too many foods for a long time, thus avoiding waste.

To save on your bill, always remember to choose a device of energy class A or higher Don’t open it too often. Reduce energy consumption.


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