Thursday, September 19, 2024

Giovanna Civitello reveals Amadeus’ confession at best: “He will return to Rai”


Amadeus and Giovanna Civitello – Source: Instagram –

After that social snapshot by Giovanna Civitello, a new indiscretion emerged regarding Amadeus. Fans were amazed by what they read. Is it true that Ama will return to Rai?

Amadeusafter many years in opinion It’s officially off Viale Mazzini. The host has thus concluded his contract, and after his summer vacation, he will be ready and excited to “throw himself” into a new adventure on Channel 9.

Regardless of what happens after the summer,…general opinion He is clearly divided, between those who accept his choice, those who are angry, those who will follow him on the new channel and those who are ready to see who takes his place from Mother Ray.

In short, the atmosphere is very tense on social media and it will be a long time before that happens Loyal audience This change, which occurred suddenly, can be understood. No matter his career, Ama can always enjoy the love of his family and the fact that they will always be by his side.

This is precisely what unites Amadeus and his wife because of this great union Giovanna Civitello Chaos broke out among the members. After that shot, followers exploded and a rumor emerged that Sebastiani was turning around. But would this be true?

Amadeus returns to Rai?

after that Amadeus He emptied his closet in Viale Mazzini, many things were said, as there were many fans who accused Ray of not being able to keep the host and others, angry with Amma, pointed out to him that “he who leaves the old road to the new…”.

See also  Giovanna Civitello, Amadeus "acquits" his wife. Anger on social media

Of course everyone can say what they want, but as it should be option It is up to the person concerned, who has every right to live their life as they see fit. It is not yet known what will happen on Channel 9 to the well-known broadcaster, while we know very well that his wife, Giovanna CivitelloHe will remain at the state broadcaster, and continue his collaboration with Antonella Clerici in, It’s always middayfrom September onwards.

Comments on Giovanna Civitello’s post

No matter what fans may think, opinion is what matters most to them AmadeusOf course it is for his wife Giovanna Civitellowho widely revealed her thoughts with a social snapshot of them together: “Proud of you.”

These words followed one another A series of comments By fans of the couple. Among the various words, we also read the words made by many users regarding Amadeus’s farewell to Ray. There are those who wrote:He will return to Rai“, “Ray will notice…too bad for her”, “She did a good job”, “It won’t be the same, unfortunately” etc. So, for now, as much as fans are hoping for Ama to return to… National Broadcasting Corporation, it seems impossible, so for all those who want to continue following it, as many fans suggest, it will simply be enough. To change the channel.


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