Thursday, September 26, 2024

Google under investigation by European privacy watchdog


Google in the crosshairs of the European privacy guarantor: a fatal mistake in training its new artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the way we interact with the digital world. From content creation to information management, artificial intelligence It has become an indispensable tool for technology companies around the world. However, the use of these powerful tools has raised a number of issues related to the management and protection of Personal dataAs these technologies grow exponentially, it becomes increasingly important to understand how user data is used.

In recent years, technology companies have developed models of artificial intelligence Increasingly advanced, they are able to analyze massive amounts of data and generate responses similar to those of humans. These models are known as Large language models (LLM), rely on the analysis of large sets of public and private data. However, the amount of sensitive information passing through these systems raises ethical and legal questions, especially in Europe, where General Data Protection Regulation (General Data Protection Regulation) sets very strict standards for data protection.

to’Europe It has positioned itself as one of the world’s leading industries where privacy protection is a top priority. European regulations require technology companies to ensure that any use of personal data complies with the principles of transparency, security and accountability. This approach has led to increased interest in how Personal data It can be used to train artificial intelligence, especially in the context of emerging technologies that require massive amounts of information to operate effectively.

The debate over how to balance innovation and privacy protection is not a new issue, but as AI technologies advance, the stakes are higher. The ability to analyze personal data on a massive scale is an invaluable resource for businesses, but it also exposes users to potential risks, such as misuse of their personal data. Sensitive data.

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Increasing focus on artificial intelligence

In recent months, regulators have stepped up scrutiny of big tech companies, particularly over their use of data to train AI models. Data protection in Europe It is a priority and regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) require companies to conduct data impact assessments before carrying out processing that may put individuals’ rights at risk.

Companies like Meta H X Twitter has already had to suspend training its AI models to comply with European regulations, facing legal action from regulators. This has set the stage for a series of investigations that are setting new boundaries for the use of personal data by big tech companies.

Artificial Intelligence (Pixabay image) –

Google investigation

Now also Google It ended up under the supervision of European authorities.Irish Data Protection Commission It launched an investigation into whether the tech giant complied with regulations on managing personal data when training its model. Palm 2This AI system, which was launched in 2023, uses large amounts of data to improve its language generation capabilities, but how that data is processed is now under scrutiny.

The investigation focuses on whether Google broke the rules. General Data Protection Regulationwhich requires a comprehensive assessment of the risks associated with the use of personal data. If violations are found, the company could face significant fines and will have to review how it uses European user data.


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