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He beats his wife and hides her under the sheets to avoid being discovered

He beats his wife and hides her under the sheets to avoid being discovered

He was arrested by the Carabinieri of Latiano station and the operational and radiomobile unit of San Vito dei Normanni in the province of Brindisi. A 41-year-old man killed his wife on Tuesday evening, is now hospitalized in the intensive care unit of ‘Perino’ Hospital. A pre-trial detention order was issued against him, issued by the judge for preliminary investigations at the Brindisi court at the request of the public prosecutor’s office. He is accused of ill-treatment of his wife and causing personal injury. Later that evening, after receiving the complaint, they reached the couple’s house. After several attempts, the husband answered that his wife was not at home and opened the door. Unconvinced by the man’s statements, after a thorough examination by the soldiers, the woman was found dead in the garden of the same house, hidden under two sheets, with fractures and injuries all over her body. The Public Prosecutor on duty at the Brindisi Public Prosecutor’s Office immediately implemented the Red Law and investigations were launched under the coordination of the Judicial Commission, which led to the gathering of serious indications of a crime against the man.

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