Monday, September 16, 2024

Hot African, now we’re suffocating; Temperatures above 40°C, let’s see how long it lasts


Last hour of heat above 40°C

We are almost at the epilogue of this strong African heat wave that brought values ​​even above 40 degrees Celsius. Temperatures will generally drop over the next few days.

Italy is currently in a serious situation Heat waveCaused by the African anticyclone we call “Minos“This causes very high temperatures, especially in the Mid-South and the Po Valley.

Temperatures may reach a peak of 41-42 degrees Celsius in the next 24 hours, according to forecasts In some areas, it creates really difficult climatic conditions. The situation has worsenedHigh humidity This contributes to the creation of an even greater perceived discomfort and to the so-called “tropical nights”, which means that those nights are classified as The minimum temperature does not fall below 22-23 ° C.
The areas most affected by this heat wave will continue to be affected Marche, Umbria, Lazio, Campania e Puglia. However, the intense heat did not spare the Mid-South and even much of the Po Valley. In these situations, it is necessary to observe some precautions: all citizens are recommended to be adequately hydrated and avoid direct exposure to the sun during the hottest hours of the day.

A change in perspective
Despite the current extreme heat, forecasts indicate an imminent change in weather conditions. After the first thunderstorms expected in the evening and night Friday 21 and Saturday 22 June Some parts of the north and a slight cooling in thermometers, Starting on Sunday, June 23, very cold air is expected to descend from northern Europe This will lead to more widespread storms in the north and part of the center. It causes a General and obvious hypothermiaThis dictates the end of this strong heat wave and the warming.

Temperature differences between Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd
Even the beginning Next week promises to be in the name of Unstable and stable subtropical weather-climate environment Due to a formation Cyclone spin Temperatures will drop further across the country, with below-average temperatures in areas affected by severe weather.

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