Sunday, September 8, 2024

Hubble is back to amaze us


After the operation to restore the operation a few weeks ago HubbleThe NASA/ESA space telescope is back to take pictures. In this case, the galaxy in the center of the image is framed by the effect of a gravitational lensing, a sudden astronomical phenomenon that can distort, enlarge, or even multiply the appearance of distant galaxies.

The effect of the lens in this photo made it possible to make the MRG-M0138 visible, thanks to an overlapping object. It is a group of galaxies, designated MACSJ0138.0-2155, 10 billion light-years away and closer to us than the galaxy in question.

The gravitational lensing effect, from which not even the path of light escapes, is the result of the deflection of light rays first observed in 1919 by Arthur Eddington during a solar eclipse.

A gravitational reversal occurs when light from a distant galaxy is distorted by the gravitational pull of an average astronomical object.

This image was captured using observations from eight different infrared filters, spread across two of Hubble’s most advanced astronomical instruments: the Advanced Camera for Surveys and the Wide Field Camera 3.

Source: ESA/Hubble & NASA, A. Newman, M. Akhshik, K. Whitaker

See also  Picture during NASA's lunar mission tests


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