Sunday, September 8, 2024

Immigrants, boom in illegal arrivals. Begins to compress lamorges


Recent data on immigrants published Frontex They are without appeal: From January to today, illegal arrivals in Europe have increased by almost two-thirds over 2020. The plus sign is 53%.

The agency outlook refers to the spread Migration event Irregular: “In July You are reading the site Enterprise – Frontex recorded 17,300 illegal border crossings, up 33% from the same month last year. That was a figure higher than June 2021, when there were about 15,000 new arrivals. The issue is also about Italy, where some circumstances seem to have slipped out of hand. For the governor of the Sicilian region, Nello Musumeci, the “siege” is ongoing.

In addition to managing migration events, the rise of irregular immigrants is a positive problem Covit19. Some of the asylum seekers on our beach have tested positive for the sweep, as happened in the case of the Sea Vikings. And among immigrants, as evidenced by the chronicles of Pandelleria, there are those who do not respect the duty of isolation, perhaps fleeing. This, in the event of a positive result, will affect the rotation rate of the Covit 19.

On the way back, if we consider the statistics about the center of the Mediterranean,Italy, We notice that Frontex specifies how“Total for this year” There is “Equal to 30,800”, With “96% increase over last year. These are numbers that are causing concern among the political forces pressing for Minister Louisiana Lamorges. For now, we know about the line of the leader of the Dycostary next August 15 in Palermo: Lamorges will participate – Report Lapresse – On top of the National Committee for Public Order and Security. But this is not enough for Forza Italia.

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Yesterday, at the request of the Democratic upper house, however, a topic that came into effect again this week – the parent company of Forza Italia in the Senate Anna Maria Bernini He intervened and asked that the summit be convened, yes, but on the “immigration emergency”. “There is an immigration management problem that needs to be addressed immediately – Bernini pointed out – , It not only worries about something irregular, the landing continues uninterrupted: in fact, there are warning cries from Confacricoldura about the shortage of manpower for the harvest season and the urgent need for a running order.

Today, after the release of data released by Frontex, Bernini returned to the matter and announced it “The hundreds of immigrants who landed in Sicily and the Covit positive is a warning signal that it cannot be underestimated further.” Chairman of the Senators Come to Italy I firmly believe that is needed. “An urgent attempt to send a signal to Europe, and certainly can not be reduced to a meeting of the Committee on Public Order and Security in Palermo. As Forza Italia has often pointed out, the issue of migration needs to be managed at the European level.

The senator positioned himself in the same upsurge of Bernini’s statements Maurizio Gasparri, Than Facebook He criticized the left-wing line in Ius soli, emphasizing the need for a table dealing with issues related to immigration: “There are also proponents of sprint courses for athletes – Phi Senator writes referring to the IoT defeat -, With an apparently unconstitutional and racist regime, it discriminates against those who can run fast from those with certain physical problems. There is an urgency of a table instead of a landing situation, in fact I propose its installation to Minister Lamorges. NGOs have taken irresponsible steps towards Italy and this choice must be crushed quickly! “.

The ball now goes to Minister LaMorges. Forza Italy firmly believes that a majority meeting is needed, but certainly not to talk about it ius soli.

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