Sunday, October 6, 2024

In the European Parliament, the ‘Patriots’ group was born: Wannachi Vice President


“Today, after a long day of work, A large group of patriots was born with the League in BrusselsIt will be decisive in changing the future of this Europe”. Matteo Salvini, president of the League, announces the birth of the new group in the European Parliament in X.

The group was launched by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, former Czech Prime Minister Andrzej Babis, and Freiheitlich Party Osterreichs leader Herbert Kigl. Jordan BartellaThe head of the Rassemblement National was elected as head of the group, which also included the right-wing French group. League MEP Roberto Vannacci is among the seven vice-presidents. The first vice president was Hungarian Kinga Kal.

Who are the patriots?

The group of patriots in the European Parliament includes “84 MEPs” from “12 EU member states”, explains the head of the League representative in Brussels, Paolo Porchia. The League is the third representative body after the French Rassemblement National and the Hungarian Fidesz.

In detail, these are 30 MEPs from the Rallye Nationale (France), Fidesz and 11 from the Christian Democratic People’s Party (Hungary); League with 8 MEPs; Ano 2010 (Disaffected Citizens Movement) by Andrej Babis 7 (Czech Republic); Přísaha a Motoristé con 2 (Czech Republic, literally ‘Oath and Motorists’); 6 (Austria) with Fpoe; 6 (Holland) with Geert Wilders BVV; Vox (Spain) by Santiago Abascal 6; 3 with Vlaams Belang (Flanders, Belgium); Sega (Portugal) with 2; Dansk Folkepartee with a (Denmark); Greek Fonì Logikis (Voice of Reason) with MEP; Latvija in first place (Latvia First) with one.


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