Sunday, September 8, 2024

INPS Pensions: Heed this warning, if you don’t respond you risk losing your pension


Pay attention to this INPS notice for Italian retirees. Those who do not respond risk losing their pension.

For a few months now, the Social Security Institute is sending an important notice to all Italian pensioners. Pension holders affected by the benefit who do not respond by the reported deadline risk losing their monthly benefit. We assess the situation.

INPS warns of the danger of losing your pension – canva

The notification that INPS sends to Italian retirees is related to those residing abroad. Since last September, the Social Security Institute has launched strict controls on retired Italian workers scattered in about 165 countries other than Italy.

Italian pensioners residing abroad who have already received or will receive the notice are required to provide an answer by filling out a specific form, under pain of suspension of the pension treatment. Specifically, it is Certificate of presence in life. In this way, the Social Security Institute will have the ability to update the archives and will avoid making payments that are no longer due.

Verification of Presence in Life: Who Will Have to Connect It?

The censorship measure will affect thousands of Italian retirees abroad. Specifically, the main regions affected by controls are those in Europe (with the exception of Scandinavia and Eastern countries, with which Italy has signed agreements for the electronic exchange of tax information), Oceania and Africa.

Life Certificate: How it works

For these checks, the INPS benefited from the cooperation of Citibank, that is, the institution that deals with the payment of pensions in foreign lands. Citibank will be responsible for sending notices by registered mail to pensioners affected by cheques.

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Retirees must complete the entire life certificate form and attach it with the documents required in the notification and deliver it to the bank indicated on the instruction sheet, by January 12, 2023. Filling out the required documents is very simple. In any case, those who find it difficult can turn to INCA care for help.

INPS Notice to Retirees
INPS Notice to Pensioners – canva

In the event that the required documents are not submitted, the February pension payments must necessarily be collected in person by the Data Controller. In this case, the pensioner will be able to collect the benefits in cash only from Western Union agencies in the country of residence. If not, the March allowance will not be paid.


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