Sunday, September 8, 2024

Intesa San Paolo, official announcement: branches are completely closed | Account holders can no longer withdraw


Intesa San Paolo News (filed photos) –

Some news about the banking institution that has account holders greatly concerned: Here’s what’s happening.

In the Last few years The banking sector is undergoing profound changes in terms of the technology used and payment methods.

Until recently, cash payments were the most common, and the inability to manage their money online prompted users and account holders to turn to… branch Then stand in line at the counters to manage your assets.

But today the situation has changed a lot: online banking, The service offered by almost all banks allows you to carry out the vast majority of operations from the comfort of your home, without having to go to a branch. Something similar is happening with regard to ATMs, as withdrawing and depositing money to and from one’s account are now operations that are mainly performed digitally due to the widespread use of payments becoming digital in nature again.

This kind of progress was inevitable and led to phenomenon Named Banking desertification: This also affects one of the country’s largest credit institutions, intesa sanpaolo, Create some problems for their customers.

“Sahara” agreement.

Banking desertification means the gradual closure of the bank Physical branches Hence also the absence of ATMs: a possibility that affects not so much users of new generations but rather older account holders who are less familiar with online tools.

Intesa San Paolo stated that the closure will have a good impact 1050 Branches by 2025, Departure on national territory only 1800 active branches.

Intesa San Paolo branches (depositphotos) -
Intesa San Paolo branches (depositphotos) –

Branch closures

The phenomenon of desertification is so large and systematic that some institutions, including regions, are establishing observatories to document and better understand the phenomenon. phenomenon So is he consequences.

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In this way, it will be possible to educate citizens about this phenomenon and alert institutions to the impact of banking desertification on contemporary society. Many are calling for the institution to intervene par excellence in Italy, which is concerned with the banking sector, which is Bank of Italy. In the meantime, account holders can calm down: the closure of Intesa Sanpaolo branches is not a sign of a crisis in the banking institution but, in fact, a sign of a crisis. Systematic phenomenon And the generalized.


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