Friday, September 20, 2024

Introducing the United States Flash! 3-0 – Can’t beat Argentina –


We are 4
United States – Argentina 3-0 (25-20, 25-19, 25-16)
Offensive Points: 38-33
Muri Score: 6-3
The score: 8-0
Opponent fouls: 23 Argentina, 19 USA
12-12 of which are bad jokes

Highest Scorer: Russell (USA) 16 points (13 attacks, 3 aces); Defalco (USA) 14 (9 attacks, 1 block, 4 aces), Averill (USA) 8 (6 attacks, 2 blocks), Loser (ARG) 8 (6 attacks, 2 blocks)

Paris (France) – 70 minutes is enough for USA to finish practice in Olympic opener against Argentina Russell e DeFalco4th places Argentina are struggling like never before Conte e Balonsky Lowest efficiency in attack: 28.57% and 26.67%.

USA Sniper 9 meters to 8 aces 0, 4 DeFalco, 3 Russell.

Cestetti: On the pitch Christensen as director, Anderson opposite, Russell and Defalco as spikers, Averill and Holt as central defenders, Shiji as libero. There was no change in Spera’s three sets.

Argentinian De Ceco as director, Lima opposite, Conte and Palonski at 4, Loser and Djerba in center, Danani as libero. Starting with the sextet unchanged for three sets, Mendez has many changes underway.

The match was refereed by an Italian Stephen Caesarwith first preference Daniel Robizarda Challenge Referee.

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