Friday, September 20, 2024

Israel and Iran Attack Imminent? Signal from Egypt Raises Doubts – Il Tempo


Egypt has instructed all its airlines to avoid Iranian airspace in the early hours of tomorrow morning amid tensions between Israel and Iran. The NOTAM (Notice to AirMen, a safety warning given to pilots today) refers to the time period between 01:00 and 04:00 GMT, 3 and 6 a.m. Italian time. It does not provide further details. “All Egyptian airlines must avoid flying over the Tehran flight information region. No flight plan will be accepted for flying over this area,” the notice states. Asharq Al-Awsat reports that Jordanian authorities on Sunday asked all airlines landing at the country’s airports to bring extra fuel for a 45-minute flight. Many airlines are reviewing their flight schedules to avoid Iranian and Lebanese airspace, and have suspended flights to Israel and Lebanon.

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According to the Egyptian official Cairo News Channel, citing an official Egyptian source, Iran advised civilian airlines to avoid flying through its airspace tonight due to military exercises. An attack on Israel appears closer than ever.

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