Sunday, October 6, 2024

Istat: “Employment relief? Only for 5.6% of companies. Eliminating economic growth aid would hurt 25% of them”


The significant relief for those who hire, announced by Giorgia Meloni last fall and implemented only this year with the Cohesion Decree, will benefit only 5.6% of companies. While 25.3% will suffer from increased taxes as a result of the cancellation of the Economic Growth Aid (ACE). The Istat study confirms what was already clear from the report […]

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I Great relief For those who have advertised employment before Georgia Meloni Last fall and only implemented this year with Cohesion Decree Only 5.6% of companies will benefit, while 25.3% will suffer a tax increase as a result of the tax cancellation.Aid for economic growth (Brilliant). Studystate Confirms what was already clear from Technical Report From the Irpef-Ires Decree of October 2023, which specifies the negative impact on the production sectors. This contradicts government statements and promises.

Companies affected by the ACE moratorium launched by the Monti government in 2011 – a tax break that encourages reinvestment of profits In the company – they are more numerous in manufacturing (32.9%) and moles Public utility services (38%). The percentage of units affected by the cancellation of subsidies increases with the size of the company (almost one in two among companies with a turnover of more than 2 million or with more than 50 employees), is higher among the most resilient companies (42% of those “healthy”) and with a high degree of dynamism for those located in the northern regions and among exporters.

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introduction excellent Labor cost deduction On the other hand, the increase in employment would benefit only 5.6% of all companies. Among the latter, the shares of manufacturing (8%) and construction (7.9%) units increased with the increase in company size. Overall, the negative monetary effects resulting from the composition effect of both measures manifest themselves through a IRES tax increase Which would reach 10.2% in 2024The additional tax resulting from the abolition of VAT is equivalent to 12.2%, with the shares of companies that appear, based on the Economic and Financial Sustainability Index, to be “at risk” and “at high risk” (25%) rising.

The reduction in IRES tax due to the new increase in deductible labour costs in the presence of new employees amounts to 1.9%, which is higher for construction companies (4.5%), “fragile” companies (5.6%) and “highly vulnerable” companies (3.5%) and for those belonging to the smaller categories, with a turnover of up to €10 million, or with fewer than 50 employees.


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