Friday, September 20, 2024

Italian exports rose 10.7% in April. Good in Germany – last minute


Istat estimates a cyclical growth in Italian exports in April of 2.3% and a decline in imports of 1.1% compared to the previous month. On an annual basis, there is an increase in exports by 10.7% and imports by 1.4%. The annual growth of Italian sales abroad “includes almost all major trading partner countries, both EU and non-EU, including Germany, after a year of continuous decline,” the statistics institute commented.

Also in terms of volume, Italian exports expanded by 7.9% in April compared to the previous year.

However, in the first four months of 2024, exports remained almost flat in terms of value trend (+0.3%) and volume decline (-1.2%).

The cyclical growth of exports (+2.3%) “is primarily driven by sales to the non-EU region of consumer goods and non-durable capital goods, in particular maritime equipment,” explains Eastat.

In the first four months of 2024, the Italian trade balance became positive by €17.6 billion, a value ten times higher than in the same period of 2023 when it was +€1.5 billion. Also in April, according to Istat data, the Italian trade balance achieved a surplus of 4.8 billion (it was +362 million in April 2023).

Reproduction © Copyright ANSA

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