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Italy is the most affected country, what are the risks? – QuiFinanza


The European executive wants to cut funding for the promotion of agri-food products by 51%. For Italy, which ranks first in the world in exports in this sector, this would be a collapse

Posted: July 15, 2024 at 6:01 PM

the European Commission Advice for half Funds needed for promotion The follower products AgriculturalIn our country, the decision has raised concerns among trade associations and producers who fear that the growth of “Made in Italy” exports on the table will be curbed, which rose to a record figure of over 64 billion euros in 2023. Operators fear that the work done in recent years to promote the internationalization of Italian food, oil and wine will disappear.

Promotion of agricultural food products has been halved.

The European Commission’s proposal aims to reduce 51% Budget. This will rise from €185.9 million to 92 millionMoreover, resources will be allocated only to Programs basicWhile multiple programs disappear from the agenda.

Italy was among the facts that benefited most from the resources available for the promotion policy: around 2023 40% Of the resources within the simple programs have been absorbed by our country and almost 38% In multiple programs, the total is approximately 54 million eurosAlso in 2024, Italy confirmed itself as the country with the largest number of promotional programmes offered: 40 simple programmes and 8 multiple programmes.

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But curbing the promotion of agricultural products will not only have repercussions at the national level, but the repercussions will also directly affect different regions. One of the most severe sanctions could be Venetowhich with its turnover of 4 billion euros confirms itself as a national leader in the Dop economy.

Coldiretti, Filera Italia, Legaco Agrialmentari and Cia-Agricoltori Italiani wrote an open letter to the Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, Francesco Lollobrigida, after the EU proposal was presented.

Italian agri-food exports

In 2023, Italian exports of agri-food products recorded a growth of +5.7% Compared to the previous year, by over 64 billion euros: 55.3 billion for manufactured products and 8.8 billion for agricultural products.

The growth of agri-food made in Italy in foreign markets was driven by canned vegetables (+13%), cheeses (+12%), fruits and vegetables (+9%) and prepared meats (+8%). In 2023, pasta exports were below average (+4%), while wine exports fell (-1%).

Countries that import the most from Italy

The platform of countries that import agricultural food products from Italy, Germany ranks first, followed by France and the United States.

the Germania It is the leading importer with a turnover of EUR 10 billion in 2023, +8% compared to 2022. Germans value above all wine, pasta, mature cheeses, bakery products, pastries and roasted coffee.

Silver medal goes to Francewhich last year imported nearly €7.3 billion (+10.2% compared to 2022) of agri-food products made in Italy. The French particularly appreciate fresh and mature cheeses, bakery products, pastries, pasta, chocolate and roasted coffee.

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the United States of America They occupy third place with +0.9% of imports compared to 2022, equivalent to 6.7 billion euros. Americans ask us above all for wine (which represents 26% of exports, but also extra virgin olive oil and pasta).


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